Thursday 17 October 2024

Year 1 - Harvest celebration


We are looking forward to celebrating Harvest tomorrow. We are hoping to see lots of you there! After the assembly we welcome you to our classroom to try the smoothies that children will be making in the morning. This will only be for 10/15 minutes as we will need to get ready for lunch, however, it'll be lovely to see you and spend some time in the classroom.

If you or a family member are unable to make it then please do not worry. Myself, Mrs Hibberd, Aly and Mrs C-C will be there to drink smoothies with the children.

If you have a child in both celebrations then please do not worry. There should be enough time for you to attend both and taste what they have made.  

If you have any questions please email me or see me at the door in the morning. 

Also please remember we are dressing as farmers.

Miss White 

Monday 14 October 2024

Zoolab and farm trip

 Wow! What an amazing end to last week and start to this week. We were lucky enough to have an organisation called Zoolab in who come into schools and talk about a range of animals. They also bring in animals for us to see and hold. We also went to Maiden Castle Farm today and learnt all about how they get ready for harvest.

We think the pictures speak for themselves!

Sunday 13 October 2024

Year 1 farm trip and numbots logins


Hello everyone!

Tomorrow we are going to Maiden Castle farm. I have had a lot of questions and queries, so thought it would be best to write a blog. Please can you send children in wearing trousers of their choice, wellies or boots, school top and a coat. It is really important that children are dressed suitably for all weathers. We will be walking from school to the farm at around 9 and will be back in time for lunch. Can you also send in a named water bottle and a snack.

To log in to numbots please follow this link - - You will then be able to put in your child's log in details.

Any further questions, please let me know.

Miss White

Sunday 6 October 2024

Year 1 updates on the next 2 weeks - Food, faith and farming fortnight

 Hello everyone! We hope you have had a super weekend and we look forward to seeing you all in the morning.

Tomorrow marks the start of our Food, Faith and Farming fortnight!

On Tuesday we have a visitor coming in from Wessex Wild who is going to be doing a workshop with us based on 'we are going on a bear hunt'.

On Wednesday we will be taking part in a Judaism workshop.

On Thursday we have a visit from an optometrist who will be talking to us about eyes.

On Friday we are having a non-school uniform day in aid of acts of kindness. We are asking for a donation of £1. We also have Zoolab in where children will be looking at different animals. 

The following Monday we are off to Maiden Castle Farm!

The Friday after this is our Harvest festival.

See you in the morning!

Miss White, Ms Dainton, Mrs Hibberd, Aly and Mrs C-C

Sunday 29 September 2024

Year 1 - Week 4

 Hello everyone! We hope you have had a wonderful weekend. We have had such a good week in Year 1 - despite the changing weather. 

In Maths children continued to look at numbers to 10. We have been exploring one more and one less. We will be continuing with numbers to 10 next week. In English we explored capital letters, full stops and adjectives. Tomorrow we will be starting our new book - Astro Girl. In Science we continued to look at animals including humans.

Children LOVED DT this week. We were practicing cutting different fruits and juicing a lemon. Children enjoyed eating the fruits after cutting them and trying the lemon juice after juicing them.

Just a reminder, on a Friday we take part in outdoor learning. It's really important that children have suitable clothes in school, especially with the rainy and cold weather. Thank you in advance!

See you in the morning!

Miss White, Ms Dainton, Mrs Hibberd, Aly and Mrs C-C

Sunday 22 September 2024

Year 1 - Week 3

Hello everyone! We hope you are all well and enjoyed some of the sunshine over the weekend.

We have had another super week in Year 1! On Monday we had individual and a whole school photo. Children all looked photo ready and posed amazingly for their pictures.

In Maths we continued to look at numbers to 10. We used tens frames, counted different amounts of objects and counted on from different numbers. In English we continued to read 'The Cave Baby', looked at adding adjectives to pictures and sequenced the story. In Science we continued to look at animals including humans and sorted animals into their groups. 

Just a gentle reminder, please can you make sure all uniform is named. We are misplacing and accumulating uniform as they don't have names in. Thank you!

See you all tomorrow!

Miss White, Ms Dainton, Mrs Hibberd, Aly and Mrs C-C