had a lovely first week back after my maternity leave. The children have actually remembered me (!?) and I’ve enjoyed visiting all classes,
getting to know children who have since joined the school.
Friday, 30 November 2012
Nice to be back!
Thursday, 29 November 2012
Poundbury trip
Today we have been to Poundbury. We have been lucky enough to have a look around the lovely Christmas display at the garden centre. It was magical walking through different realms and seeing the sparkling lights and trees. Whilst at the garden centre we all had a chance to plant some bulbs.
After a quick snack provided by the kind staff at the garden centre we stopped for lunch and then headed over to the building site. We split into two groups, one group had a look around a show home, whilst the other got the chance to build their own wall. This was brilliant for the children to see first hand what houses are made from.
Thank you to all those adults involved. Pictures of our day will follow....
After a quick snack provided by the kind staff at the garden centre we stopped for lunch and then headed over to the building site. We split into two groups, one group had a look around a show home, whilst the other got the chance to build their own wall. This was brilliant for the children to see first hand what houses are made from.
Thank you to all those adults involved. Pictures of our day will follow....
Plea to parents!
On Thursday 20th December at 3pm
in the school hall the children invite you to join them to celebrate
Christmas and sing carols. Last year it was very successful,
particularly as the music was performed by our talented parents!
A couple of parents have offered their
musical skills so far for this year; we have a pianist and a recorder player
but would LOVE to
have more parents playing. PLEASE share your talents and let Mrs Mewett know if
you can come and play.
Monday, 26 November 2012
W/B 26/11/12 learning
This week in literacy we are going to be looking at

The children have been making lists of the familiar characters in the story.
In maths this week we are going to be counting in 2's, 5's and 10's, there are new pupil links in the maths folder that relates with this weeks work.
We are also beginning to learn some christmas songs for our performance. We will tell the children at the end of the week who they will be in the performance. Please don't worry about costumes, we have a large stock in school. We will let you know if your child needs to wear a particular colour.
The children have been making lists of the familiar characters in the story.
In maths this week we are going to be counting in 2's, 5's and 10's, there are new pupil links in the maths folder that relates with this weeks work.
We are also beginning to learn some christmas songs for our performance. We will tell the children at the end of the week who they will be in the performance. Please don't worry about costumes, we have a large stock in school. We will let you know if your child needs to wear a particular colour.
Friday, 23 November 2012
The importance of Water
To keep our minds and bodies fighting fit
we need to drink plenty of water.
we need to drink plenty of water.
Please remember to send your child to school with
a full water bottle to drink throughout the day!
Fantastic Assembly Yr 1
Well done everyone for a fantastic assembly today!
You all did a fantastic job with your talking, singing and acting. We hope you all enjoyed it!
You all did a fantastic job with your talking, singing and acting. We hope you all enjoyed it!
Thursday, 22 November 2012
POWSA Christmas Fair
It's that time of year already. Here at POWSA HQ we
are busy planning and organising this years annual festive family fun evening.
So get out your diaries and calenders and put a BIG RED CIRCLE around Friday 7th December, after school onwards. There
will be many an opportunity to play games, have your face painted, win at a
tombola and buy those last minute gifts, along with your chance to win some
amazing raffle prizes (more details to follow). Bring your friends and family
for a fantastically fun afternoon, the chance to get in the festive mood and
help raise money for our fantastic school.
Class Visitor
Today in Year 1 we had a visitor. Mr Hallett came in to talk to us about buildings in different countries.
We found out that The Gherkin in London is the equivalent height of 49 double decker buses and the Petronas Tower in Kuala Lumpur is the equivalent height of 120 double decker buses.
Class Assembly
Don't forget it is our class assembly tomorrow morning, and all those who need to bring in your costume...please remember!! Thank you.
We found out that The Gherkin in London is the equivalent height of 49 double decker buses and the Petronas Tower in Kuala Lumpur is the equivalent height of 120 double decker buses.
Class Assembly
Don't forget it is our class assembly tomorrow morning, and all those who need to bring in your costume...please remember!! Thank you.
Wednesday, 21 November 2012
The children are really trying hard with their reading, speaking and acting in preparation for the class assembly. Fingers crossed it all goes as well tomorrow! I am sure it will but please accecpt us as we are - just two rehearsals - so not a polished performance! Thank you to those who have sent in the costumes, so those for the North Pole penguins are all under preparation here so please don't worry if your child did not bring home a note.
I am on a course this morning so will not be in until after lunch.
Hope to see you all here at 9.20 tomorrow - Friday 23rd
I am on a course this morning so will not be in until after lunch.
Hope to see you all here at 9.20 tomorrow - Friday 23rd
Monday, 19 November 2012
Making a house
Today in topic the spring group made this brilliant house out of bricks. They had to work as part of a team to build a house big enough for a child to lay in.
Maths- pupil links update
This week in maths we are going to be looking at odd and even and number sequences. Please see the pupil links for this weeks websites.
Thursday, 15 November 2012
Fire safety talk
He told us that fire needs three things to start
We should always keep doors shut at night as it will slow fires down.
We learnt that if there is a fire the smoke alarm will make a loud beeping sound then you must shout fire! Next you must get out of the house quickly and you must not go back for ANYTHING! Once you are out you must stay out and call 999.
The fire engines will arrive very quickly. Did you know that firemen only have 4 minutes to get to the firestation and 30 seconds to get changed. In year 1 we practised getting dressed in firemen outfits, it was very hard to get dressed so fast.
Another important thing we learnt was that you must never touch matches or lighters.
The fire safety man taught us this saying:
"Matches, lighters never touch, they can hurt you very much"
Tuesday, 13 November 2012
Today in music we have been listening to music and recording down how we feel in a picture. The music we listened to was by Myles Davis -Quintet. The great jazz group.
Children in Need this Friday
Just a quick reminder that this friday (16th) is Children in Need day and so we are asking the children to come into school wearing spotty clothes. Donations can be given in on the day.
Maths- pupil links update
This week in maths we are counting using money. The children have been buying two items and adding them together to get a total amount in pennies. We have added onto our maths pupil links the websites that the children have been using in class.
Monday, 12 November 2012
Topic this week
In our topic session this afternoon some groups were looking at a picture of one of the tallest buildings in the world. The children looked at its construction and how many windows it has. One of the other groups used the purple mash software to draw their own picture of a house. The final group worked as a team using the big bricks to build a large house.
Marshmallow experiment
Today we have been doing an experiment with marshmallows. First of all the children had a feel and a smell of them
"feels squidgy" "rough" "sticky" "you can twist it" "you can stretch it"
We decided to turn it from a solid to a liquid. To do this we put it in the microwave for 10 seconds.
After 10 seconds they started to melt, we decided to put them back in....
It then turned into a liquid and became very stretchy.
"feels squidgy" "rough" "sticky" "you can twist it" "you can stretch it"
We decided to turn it from a solid to a liquid. To do this we put it in the microwave for 10 seconds.
After 10 seconds they started to melt, we decided to put them back in....
It then turned into a liquid and became very stretchy.
A question: We wonder how long it would take for it to turn back into a solid?
wb 12/11/12
This week in literacy we will be looking at the book penguin small and focussing on punctuation. In numeracy we have started to work on halving numbers and subtraction as difference.
There has been some brilliant home learning recently. Please feel free to bring in any numeracy/literacy work to show us.
There has been some brilliant home learning recently. Please feel free to bring in any numeracy/literacy work to show us.
Thursday, 8 November 2012
Huish Farm trip
Great day in the lovely Dorset countryside today! We saw ravens, pheasants, partridges, buzzards, roe deer, hare, badger setts and lots more!! We climbed a hill (some of us fell over coming down!), hid in trees, dodged the sheep poo and had a lovely ride in a trailer with Farmer John! We made friends with Pickle and laughed when Mr F got splashed by the big tractor!!!
Monday, 5 November 2012
Fire safety and Huish farm trip.
Welcome back, we hope that you ll had a fun filled half term.
Today we have been talking about fire safety. The children have ordered some pictures of what to do if there is a fire.
Also this week we will be visiting Huish Farm (thursday). Please bring your child in warm, old play clothes with wellington boots and trainers in a named plastic bag so that we can change into them before we get into the coach. They will also need a packed lunch and a named water bottle. A warm raincoat is also a must. Due to the large amount of adults in the class we will not have enough room for any other adults but thank you to all that have offered.
We hope that you have a exciting and safe bonfire night and look forward to hearing about the fireworks children have seen tomorrow.
Today we have been talking about fire safety. The children have ordered some pictures of what to do if there is a fire.
Also this week we will be visiting Huish Farm (thursday). Please bring your child in warm, old play clothes with wellington boots and trainers in a named plastic bag so that we can change into them before we get into the coach. They will also need a packed lunch and a named water bottle. A warm raincoat is also a must. Due to the large amount of adults in the class we will not have enough room for any other adults but thank you to all that have offered.
We hope that you have a exciting and safe bonfire night and look forward to hearing about the fireworks children have seen tomorrow.
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