Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Welcome Back!

Welcome back! we hope you all had a lovely half term break.
So, we are well into our proud to be me week which started off by looking at different countries where we have family members.

Thank you for returning the all about me sheets and family photographs, the children have enjoyed showing these and talking about them.

On Friday please can the children come to school in their school uniform but bring their proud to be me costumes in a named carrier bag.

We look forward to seeing you on Friday at 9.20 am for our Year 1 Class Assembly.

Thursday, 13 February 2014

Proud To Be Me Week!

The first week after half term we will be looking at our family trees!  We will be thinking of where we came from, do we have any family members that live in another country? Do you have any interesting facts, recipies or objects that you would like to share with the rest of the class?  Please bring in anything that makes you proud to be you!

Proud to be me week, dressing up day!

On Monday 24th February we will be having a themed week in school called "Proud to be me".

On Friday 28th February we would like to finish the week with a dressing up day, the theme being "This is what I would like to do when I grow up!" The focus is on aspirations, what career/job I would love to do when I am older.

A letter will be coming out on Friday 14th February.

Mrs Mewett

Beginner recorder lessons information

Friday 14th February - a named letter will be coming home if your child has been attending beginner recorder lessons at school. Please look out for this! If you do not receive a letter and your child insists they have been coming along then please call by the school office after the half term break and ask for me.

Many thanks

Mrs Mewett

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

DASP Sports Lessons -Friday 7th February

Please could children in Year 1 bring trainers and jogging bottoms (if you have some) into school for extra outdoor PE lessons on Friday.

Many thanks.

Reminders and Thank You!

A very big thank you to everyone for remembering to bring in your old socks!! The turtle puppets are well under way and looking good!

Another big thank you for everyone who has signed up for parents evening, if you haven't there are still spaces available and we look forward to seeing you all.

Mrs Moger

This Week In Maths

In maths this week we are focusing on multiplication. 
We are using the terminology "lots of" and "groups of" are we are using alot of different maths equipment to support our answers....keep up the good work as you are all doing really well!!

Traditional Tales

Over the last couple of weeks we have been reading traditional tales.  Last week it was Cinderella and this week we have read The Three Billy Goats Gruff.  We have been thinking of the different ways we can open our story .... Once upon a time.... One day.... A long time ago....  We have also had fun by acting out the story pretending to be the Billy Goats and the Troll!!

Sunday, 2 February 2014

Recorders, some information for you...

Year 1 recorders.

Currently we have three children who have now moved up to Lucy's intermediate group, the rest of the group have now joined in with the Reception beginner class as the group need consolidation and practice!

A big well done to all those children who have been coming along on a Monday lunchtime to learn how to play the recorder! We will be sending out letters just before half term to the children who have been coming regularly to let you know about purchasing a recorder (if not done already) and a book we use to teach from.

Some tips if your child is at home with a recorder and you are a 'non player!' Practice is really important, a few minutes each day is vital if they wish to grasp this skill:

* Left hand at top of recorder (we call if logo hand - school logo is on the left)
* Thumb pad covers hole at back of recorder
* Index finger covers first note at the top of the recorder (B)
* Gentle blow to get a lovely even sound, any squeaking, a hole is not covered!
* Use the right hand to hold the end of the recorder to keep it steady.

Finally, if you child does NOT bring home a letter at half term and you were expecting one, please come and see me as it might be to do with your child's attendance which we can help with?

Mrs Mewett