Welcome back to the first half of the Summer Term.
Wow what a week we have had so far! Yesterday the children had fun finding out about wildlife in the school grounds with some expert volunteers from the R.S.P.B. We found a wide variety of mini-beasts! The R.S.P.B will be returning on Friday, so if your child has anything they want to ask them they will have the opportunity to do so.
This half term we are going to be concentrating on writing Poetry and Instructions in Literacy. As our topic in Science is Animals we will also be linking a lot of our writing to this. We have started learning about animals this week to tie into the R.S.P.B visit. We have been learning about invertebrates and vertebrates and will continue to discuss different groups of animals this week.
This week in Maths we have explored more place value and today we have been drawing pictograms and we will be interpreting graphs for the rest of the week.
On Monday, Autumn and Winter, started Forest School with Paula, which was a great opportunity for the children. These children will do Forest School every Monday until half term, so please make sure they have appropriate clothing with them, as stated in the letter sent home before the Easter holidays.
Year 1 Team