Hello everyone,
Today we began our new topic for this half term: SPACE! We began our astronaut training this morning by filling in our applications and seeing if we were strong and flexible enough with some space yoga in the hall! Through the next 6 weeks we will be covering a wide variety of topics within our topic of space. Some brilliant questions and 'I wonder...' comments from children today; here are a few.
What makes the sun hot?
Do planets float in the sky?
Where does the sun go at night?
I wonder if there are real aliens?!
Coming home this week will be our new knowledge organiser for this topic. On it will be all the things that we will be learning about, so if you did want to do some exploration at home and carry on that curiosity and intrigue you are more than welcome to! there will be a home learning project in the next couple of weeks for you to get stuck in to as well.
A few notices... we have the year 1 trip to the Book Bus this Wednesday from 10-10.30am and all parents are very welcome to attend with their children.
Next Friday is the year 1 Spring term assembly from 9.20am so please come along and see what we're up to with that too.
Welcome back everyone!
Year 1 team