Hello everyone,
We have started our new topic of Pirates for this half term! So far we have learnt about some of the words that pirates may have used at various times and even came up with our own pirate names using the Pirate Name Generator!
We have begun learning about the famous pirates Captain Blackbeard and Anne Bonny and will continue to develop this over the coming weeks.
On top of this we have started looking at the artist Andy Worhol and will be doing a unit of work trying to use his style to inspire some of our art - linked to pirates of course!
We are joined once again this term by Mrs. White who will be completing her final term as a trainee with us.
A note about Accelerated Reader... Thank you for reading so many books over the Easter holidays! If anyone has any questions about this please come and see us. We will continue to monitor the level of books children are being encouraged to read and this information will come home.
Also, you may notice an increase in the complexity of the spellings coming home this term as we once again raise our expectations and challenge.
Here's to a fantastic Summer term... I cannot believe we are in the Summer term already! Seriously.
Year 1 team