Hello everyone,
Unbelievably we are already at the end of the first half term this Summer! As we have had quite a short half term we will be continuing with our 'Pirates' theme when we return for a couple more weeks. After this we will be moving on to two short topics to see out the remainder of the year... both of which are very exciting!
We will be looking at Mary Poppins - this will be supported with a trip - and then we have a whole school Inclusive Sports Fortnight where we have lots of things planned. More details will follow regarding these!
So, with half term next week I will be setting the children a challenge for the holidays! As well as sunning yourselves and generally having a fab time with all your great family outings, we would like you to create a boat that will float! This will mean investigating floating materials and then using them! If you would like to bring in any knowledge/facts/interesting things about boats then please feel free to add this.
As always, the children's own work and learning are the key here... Even if it is a simple paper boat! There will be a sheet coming home tomorrow with some ideas on. The deadline for this will be Thursday 6th June. If anyone has any questions, please don't hesitate to come and chat to us.
Year 1 team