Hello everyone,
Welcome back to the second half of the summer term! I hope you're as excited as I am... Its going to be great fun -the sun might even come out for a bit too.
This Friday we have our trip to Riverlab with the year 1 class. If you haven't already done so please could we have your consent forms back to us by Thursday as we will need these. For the day itself we are expecting some rain but this shouldn't stop us from pushing ahead. To be prepared for this trip we would ask that you send children in to school with the following bits for the day.
- Wet suit/trousers - many of the children have these at school for Forest School and can just change when they get here or take it home the night before.
- Wellies - again, many of these are at school.
- Raincoat
- Spare socks AND trousers - this will be because it is highly likely that the children will be in the river at some point and the water can go over the top of their wellies!
- Water bottle and a snack.
Please feel free to send this stuff into school in a separate, named bag. Children are welcome to wear play clothes to school that you wouldn't mind getting wet and potentially muddy.
If your child usually has a school dinner this will be replaced with a packed lunch. If you usually send in a packed lunch, please do so as usual for this day.
We are very much looking forward to this trip. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to come and speak to us.
Year 1 team