Hello everyone!
Tomorrow sees the beginning of our Food and Farming Fortnight! We will still be having a focus on our Zoo topic alongside this opportunity to gain a broader understanding of how farms might work and where our food truly comes from.
Part of this will be our annual trip to Maiden Castle Farm to find out more about Harvest Time! The year 1 trip is Wednesday 2nd October in the afternoon! If anyone would like to come along and help out on this trip, please come and let us know! We will be back in school by 3.30pm
I also hope that you all received the updated Marwell Zoo trip letter on Friday! We will be venturing out on Wednesday 16th October. We are still asking for children to be in school at 8.15am on this day! Here's to hoping that the weather is a little better! I will continue to remind everyone as we get closer to the date.
A busy few weeks indeed!