Sunday, 28 November 2021


I want to start this blog by saying a HUGE well done to all the children for their class assembly. They were amazing and so confident! I am sure you are just as proud as I am!! Thank you to you also for helping with their lines at home, this really made a difference! 

I am so excited for the special surprise that will be happening tomorrow, and it's been great to see some of the children opening their envelopes on the posts that Mr Spracklen has been adding on facebook. Trust me, you are in for a magical surprise tomorrow morning!

These next three weeks are going to be a whirlwind and we have so many exciting and magical things planned! I hope you're ready!! 

Just a reminder, it is ELF DAY on Friday! Dressing up is optional, however, it would be lovely to see lot's of children dressed as elves if you can!

Here are some pictures of the learning we have been doing in the classroom last week.

Thank you again as always for being so supportive!

Miss White and the INCREDIBLE year 1 team x

Wednesday, 24 November 2021

Class assembly!

Hi everyone, hope you're all having a great week. 
Please can you make sure you are practising your children's lines with them at home for our class assembly. They do not need to learn their lines (if they can this would be great but don't worry if not), they just need to be able to read these confidently. I know some lines have quite tricky words in, but I know all children can deliver these lines amazingly!

Also, we are encouraging all children to take part in the home learning activity this week. The activity is to make a poster or placard about how to fight climate change! Please can you bring these in at the latest Friday morning. Thank you to those who have already brought these into school! 

Our assembly will start around 9:15. Once you have dropped your children off please make your way to the hall. 

Any questions, please let me know!

Miss White 

Sunday, 21 November 2021

Updates on a few things!

Hi all, I hope you've had a wonderful weekend!

What another amazing week we've had in the Year 1 classroom. Your children are truly amazing!

Just a few reminders and notices;
- The home learning task this week was to make a poster/placard about how to fight climate change. Can we have these in as soon as possible? We will be using them for our assembly. 
- All children should have been sent home with their spellings. Please make sure children are practicing these. Spellings checks will be on Fridays and children will come home with new spellings weekly.
- Our class assembly is this Friday. Once you have dropped your children off please make your way to the hall. I can't wait for you to see what we have in store!

If you have any questions, please let me know!

Miss White and the AMAZING year 1 team! x

Sunday, 14 November 2021

Anti-bullying week and much more!

Evening everyone, I hope you've had a great weekend and are ready for another week in Year 1!

As always, the children have amazed me this week and I am feeling so much pride in being able to teach your incredible children. 

Tomorrow marks the beginning of our anti-bullying week and we are encouraging children to wear odd socks tomorrow to mark the start. Our November Numeracy challenge also starts this week. All children should have come home with their Mathletics log in cards on Friday. Also just a reminder that the shoe box appeal is due on the 19th, so please bring these in if you are taking part in this amazing cause. On Friday we also have children in need! On this day we will be having a non-school uniform day with the theme as spotty or sporty! We will also be hosting a bake sale so please bring in any baked goods on Friday if you want to take part in this. Also, please can we have sponsorship forms back this week! There will be goodies on sale at the office as well if you would like to purchase these.

We have been so busy in the Year 1 classroom as I'm sure the children have told you. We are continuing with learning about the weather and different climates. This week we will be learning about climate change and how we can protect the earth we live on. In Power Maths we have been looking at addition and subtraction within 10, this will be continuing this week. In Science we have started to explore the different seasons and went on a lovely Autumn walk around the school grounds to spot the signs of Autumn. 

It is our class assembly on the 26th November. This is a very random ask.....but if you have any recycling at home that could be used to create something please could you bring this in over the next week. All will be revealed at the class assembly. Words will be coming home this week, please could you read through these with the children to ensure they are confident to say their lines!

As always, if you have any questions or queries, please email me or catch me at the beginning or end of the day!

Thank you for your continued support!
Miss White, Miss Bridge, Ms Dainton, Mrs Howell and Mrs Hibberd x

Thursday, 4 November 2021

What a great start to the second half term in Year 1!

Hi everyone, I hope you are all well and had a lovely half term!

We have had the most amazing start back into the second term of Year 1. The children have come back with such amazing attitudes towards learning and are showing such great behaviours. We are all so incredibly proud of them all. 

We have started a new topic this half term which is Climate! The children have started to show such enthusiasm towards this already and have started to learn about the different types of weathers and seasons. 

In Maths we have started a new unit which is addition and subtraction within 10. This is involving using lots of resources and exploring different ways to work answers out.  In Literacy we have been using adjectives to describe weather and writing senses poems about Autumn. The children also took on the role of a weather presenter and presented the forecast for the day to the class!

On Monday we were lucky enough to have the puzzle company in to do some problem solving and reasoning activities. The children worked so well in a team and communicated effectively. We also supported COP26 on Monday by learning about climate change and how we can protect the earth we live on. We made promises on the back of leaves in which we are willing to keep to help fight climate change.

In Jigsaw we have started to look at celebrating difference and the similarities between us. We have also started to talking about how differences make us special! We have also started to learn about different ball skills in PE which started with learning about and practicing a chest pass.

Home learning books will come home tomorrow as well as their new RWI books. Please make sure these come back in the following week. 

As always, if you have any questions please feel free to catch me in the morning or after school, or send me an email. 

Thank you for your continued support!
Miss White, Miss Bridge, Ms Dainton, Mrs Howell and Mrs Hibberd x