Tuesday, 23 October 2012
Apologies- No photos on weds
Sports skills
Monday, 22 October 2012
Jelly experiment: Question at the bottom of the page!
"squishy" "sticky" "red" "stretchy" "smells like strawberries" |
Literacy and Numeracy this week.
In numeracy this week we are looking at time and some groups are still doing measuring using hand span.
Thank you for the home learning that is being bought in. It is fantastic to see how enthusiastic the children have become towards learning.
Please remember that it is our sports morning tomorrow from 11am. We are hoping to be outside but if it is raining we will be in the hall.
Sunday, 21 October 2012
The School Nurse will be running a drop in from 8:45am tomorrow morning (Monday 22nd October). Want to know more about what the School Nurse does please see this useful web link from Dorset HealthCare University NHS Trust: http://www.dorsethealthcare.nhs.uk/services/children-and-families/school-nursing-dorset.htm
Friday, 19 October 2012
Miss Jolliffe's last day
Sports skills/ New resources
We have been able to purchase some brilliant new resources for our phonics.
![]() |
These bricks are fantastic for the children to use themselves to make different sounds |
On Tuesday morning we will be having a Sports skills session. The children get a chance to show off their sports skills. This was due to happen last year but was cancelled due to the brilliant British weather. If you would like to come and watch and cheer on your child it will be happening at 11-12.30. Hope to see you there.
Tuesday, 16 October 2012
POWSA Blog - Non ICT Day
POWSA Blog - Book Fair!
Just a quick reminder that the scholastic book fair starts today. The books are available to browse by both children and parents after school Wed-Mon and at the parents evening tonight. Why not stock up on a few Christmas presents, or introduce your kids to another fantastic author? Once our target has been reached, the school receive 60% of the profit back to spend on books for school. This has proven a very profitable venture in the past and we hope to replicate the success again this year!
Friday, 12 October 2012
Next week in maths we are continuing with measuring - length, height and mass. In Literacy we are using a picture of a busy street scene to talk about and then the writing activities will also be based on this.
The work from "The Year 1 Estate Agents" has been very interesting and I will enjoy looking at the different homes which the child have for "Sale".
I look forward to sharing the children's progress in English and Maths with you all on Tuesday or Wednesday.
Have a good weekend, I hope this nice weather remains for the next few days.
Wednesday, 10 October 2012
We have a number who fancy living in a castle and others who think a country estate would make a good home. Some children like the idea of many rooms, I just hope they realise how much cleaning these big houses would take!
The Year One Estate Agents would be a good place to buy your next property as the prices range from 19p to £385.
Thank you to all those who have already signed up for a Parent's Consultation time. If you still have to do so please pop in this week as there still a few gaps left.
I would like to award a big star to those parents who have found some of the useful ways to mark which week it is, in the Home - School Diary. So far we have a ribbon, a small sticky note and a smart paper clip as a "book mark". I apologise if other ideas have not yet been noted. Any other ideas will be shared, so see how ingenious you can be. They do save time when hunting for the correct pages to write on. So Thank You once again.
Monday, 8 October 2012
Wild Life Club
Thursday, 4 October 2012
Pupil Links
It would be great if you could have a go on them and feedback to us.
Wednesday, 3 October 2012
I hope the art work from last week - leaf pictures and material rubbings will continue next week as the rain has not help with outdoor activities so far this week.
Tomorrow we will continue with our writing about the different types of homes which the farm animals live in and thinking about the differences to their own homes.
In maths the children are working on 1 or 10 more and 1 or 10 fewer/less than numbers and sorting shapes using given criteria such as shapes which are red and shapes which have 4 sides.
Hopefully there will be some photos of the farm on the whiteboard tomorrow.
Monday, 1 October 2012
The rain cleared up for most of the trip around the farm which was great. Hazel showed us the different types of homes which the various animals live in and also explained the reasons for the different designs. I'm sure the children will be able to recall these details when we come to discuss and write about the trip later in the week.
Harvest - Friday 5th October 2012
This week the children will be cooking muffins to sell at the Harvest Cafe on Friday afternoon.
You are all welcome from 3.00 and if you wish to collect your child to take them into the hall and then go straight home please remember to let one of the Year 1 team know so that their name maybe written on the white board.
Our Harvest Celebration will be at 9.20 and we look forward to seeing you there, and remember that the produce donated is sold off afterwards.
There will also be an art display with a harvest theme. Year 1 has already painted some pictures of fruit trees, many have abundant crops of rosy red apples!