This week in Year 1 we have been learning how to answer questions. The children wrote lots of questions about space and what they wanted to find out. This week they have been watching lots of videos to try and answer the questions.
Some of the questions we have answered this week are-
Why can't you eat bread in space?
How long is the ISS? Who made it? When was it made? How many people live on it?
In maths this week we have been adding and subtracting using number lines and 100 squares.
Spellings are back! Every child that brings in their spellings sheets or something to show that they have practiced their spellings will get praised next week and a move up.
Mrs Mewitt apologises that there has not been any recorder sessions. We are currently trying to find any musical volunteers that could run this half an hour session. If you are able to do this then please come and talk to us in school.
Have a restful weekend and see you next week. Next Friday is our assembly!