Tuesday, 29 November 2016

Year 1 29.11.16- Christmas festivities have begun!

This week the children have finished off their map making for half of the class. They had to follow the picture clues to find the mystery house. I must say both groups took some challenging pictures but the children were very observant! We are carrying on with looking at The Jolly Postman in Literacy by making lists, describing characters and replying to some of the letters.  I know it may seem early to you but we have started our Christmas activities (there really isn’t that much time left!). We have been learning the songs to our Christmas play ‘The Sleepy Shepherd’. All the children now know their roles and we will start the practicing tomorrow! Mrs Hall is busy sorting through the costumes but we will let you know soon if anything is needed. The Christmas play tickets are now available from the office. 

We will be putting up the Christmas party food list soon. On Thursday 15th December we will be having lunch in our classroom followed by party games and dancing with the other classes. If you wouldn’t mind putting down your child’s name so that we have a range of foods for the lunch. All hot dinners have been cancelled on this day.

Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Parents phonics session- 23.11.16

Thank you to everyone that attended the phonics sessions yesterday. We hope that you found them useful. Below are the links to the websites which we mentioned in the presentation. If you have any questions or would like the handout that we gave out please do come and see Mr Gibson or myself.

A brilliant website that has lots of videos that the children can watch and repeat the sounds-
Buried treasure, dragon’s den and picnic and Pluto (games we showed in the presentation)
Pronunciation video clip

Mrs Thorpe

Sunday, 20 November 2016

Y1 20.11.16- This week...

This week we will be carrying on with our topic of the Jolly Postman. At the moment the children are making picture clue maps which they will give to their friends to try and find the mystery house. We will therefore be going on a number of short walks for the next couple of weeks.

On Wednesday Mr Gibson and I will be holding a phonics session in the hall at 9am and 3pm. We will be recapping how phonics is taught and how to support your child at home. If you would like to come to either of the sessions please come and see me or just turn up on the day!

Our assembly is this Friday at 9.20am and so we will also be practising this all week.

Friday, 18 November 2016

WOW! Lots of money made for Children in Need.

Thank you so much to everyone who bought some of the Children in Need merchandise, donated money for wearing something spotty and made and bought cakes. 

The Prince of Wales School made an amazing £505!!!


Y1 18.11.16- The big write...

The children took part in a 'big write' today. They used their adapted story maps to write up their own stories independently. I was so impressed with how resilient the children were and how well they followed their story maps.

Just a reminder that our assembly is on this Friday 25th.

Hope you have a restful weekend

Mrs Thorpe

Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Last day for Operation Christmas child shoe boxes!

Just a reminder that tomorrow will be the last day that we will be taking the 'Operation Christmas child' shoe boxes at school. Mrs Mewitt has kindly said she would take the shoe boxes that people have bought in to school to the drop off point in Weymouth. So if you have a shoe box please bring them in tomorrow. Also please remember that the shoe boxes need £3 in them to support the transportation fees. 

Thank you for supporting this cause

Mrs Thorpe and the Children's Voice

Sunday, 13 November 2016

Children in Need this Friday!!!

This Friday (18th) we will be supporting Children in Need. The children should come in dressed in something spotty. We are asking for a 50p donation for this please. 

As well as this, after school on Friday we will be having a bake sale. If you can bakes a cake, biscuits or cupcakes then please do. All cakes to be given to Mrs Thorpe in Year 1 please on Friday morning. 

We will be selling Pudsey key rings and wristbands on Wednesday and Friday after school this week.

Many thanks in advance!

Friday, 11 November 2016

Y1 11.11.16- Arrrrrr what a good show!

The DASP music group came in this morning and led us on a pirate adventure to find all of the musical clues to the sailors' Hornpipe. We listened to music from around the world from countries such as Denmark, Hungary, France and even music from under the sea! We collected all the music and at the end they played the song which was fascinating to listen to!!

Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Y1- 8.11.16- Look at what we 'discovered' today!

  Today Year 1 'discovered' some purple eggs at the round house area. There were four eggs altogether, two were empty and two felt like they were full. We decided to take them back to the classroom. The children then answered the following questions-
-What animal do you think will hatch out?
-Where do you think they came from?
-How did they get there?
-Where are the animals that have already hatched?

We had some fascinating and imaginative ideas from golden eagles to komodo dragons! We have put them safely away in the warm quiet room and look forward to seeing if they have hatched tomorrow!

Monday, 7 November 2016

Y1 8.11.6- The Jolly Postman.

This week in our Geography/ topic sessions we are looking at our local area. Yesterday the children used google maps to locate a local building by only using the postcode (Dorset County Museum). After we had discussed what a postcode is and why everyone has one the children used their own postcodes to locate their houses on google maps.

After break time we had a surprise mystery letter delivered by 'the Jolly Postman' who asked us to deliver the letter for him. We had to use the picture clues to find the house and deliver the letter. Half of the class did this yesterday and the other half will do this on Thursday. Over the next few weeks we will be making our own picture maps of the local housing estate and so will be taking short walks to enrich our learning in this topic and to use our observational skills.

Whilst half of the class were on an adventure the rest of the class stayed with Mrs Hall and started to learn a medieval dance similar to that which a King or Queen would have danced in a banquet in a castle! We will be looking at the banquets traditions, music, food and clothing.