Wednesday, 27 June 2018

Y1- A fantastic sports afternoon!

A huge well done to all of the children this afternoon. You all showed fantastic resilience, perseverance and great team work! All of the year one team are extremely proud of you. I hope all of you were impressed with the skills the children showed in the different playground activities and inclusive sports.

Thank you all who attended I know that the children love to get the support from their families at these events.

Just a reminder about the International cafe starting from 3pm tomorrow. You can come and take your child around the hall and look at all of the art work and home learning as well as sampling some delicious treats from around the world!

Mrs Thorpe

Y1- Portland Bill trip

Year 1 had a fantastic trip to Portland Bill yesterday. We learnt lots of facts about lighthouses and how they have changed over time. It was amazing to see the old light bulb and how technology has changed. 

There were even two visitors on the rocks- two seals! Mrs Grant filmed the seals for us to share with the children as they were near the cliff edge. 

All of the children got to go in the base of the lighthouse. Did you know that the walls are 7ft thick! The lighthouses use white and red lights but can your child remember why? What did they have before lighthouses?  

Sunday, 24 June 2018

Y1- Lots happening in Year 1 this week!

We have got a very busy week ahead of us. On Monday we have DEED in teaching the children about fair-trade, we will be focussing on chocolate. 

On Tuesday we will be visiting Portland Bill. A reminder again that the children are to wear their school uniform, have a hat, drink and a small snack. We will be back in time for a 1pm lunch as usual.  

On Wednesday we have our sports afternoon out on the school field and playground. The afternoon starts from 1.30pm. It is also the day that our home learning needs to be handed in. 

On Thursday afternoon you are all welcome to come and see our work we have been doing for the Global Awareness fortnight. Year 1 have been learning about North America. This week we will be decorating our banner, cooking and making some Orcas using a traditional style of Canadian art similar to the design on totem poles. 

Wow what a busy week. Please can you make sure your child has a hat, suncream and water in school. It is so hot out and we do not have many spare hats. Also a reminder about Forest school tomorrow. All clothes need to be in. As it is so hot I will monitor how long we will be outside and make sure we have enough shade. 

The Year 1 team 

Tuesday, 19 June 2018

Y1- Portland bill trip on Tuesday!

Just reminder about permission slips and payment for the trip please. We have had less than half of the class return the forms and the trip is less than a week away now. If you need another slip please see the ladies in the office.

It is a morning trip so we will be back in school for a later lunch of 1pm. If you are able to help please do come and see us as we would like to take a couple of parent helpers with us. The children can wear their school uniforms. Please give them a drink and a small snack the the day, maybe something that is not in a lunch box.

Many thanks

Mrs Thorpe

Monday, 18 June 2018

Y1- What a smooth plane ride to Russia!

Wow what a journey we took this morning! All of the children enjoyed the plane journey to Russia. It was fantastic to see the excitement as we took off and flew through the clouds.

We have now started our 'Global awareness fortnight'. Over the next two weeks we will be researching different countries and continents. We will be baking, painting, drawing, writing and collaging to help us build a show piece for our International cafe on Thursday 28th June.

A few things that are coming up in Year 1-
Next week on Tuesday we will be going on our Portland Bill trip. If you are free on the morning of the 26th and are able to accompany us then please do let a member of the team know. Children to wear normal school clothes please and have a snack and drink.

Wednesday PM (27th) is our KS1 sports afternoon. Everyone is welcome to come and watch as we partake in races on the field and playground skills/games. This is the same day that the home learning will be handed in. Just a reminder that your child bought a country home that they need to research and make a landmark/feature of.

Today in Forest school the children were weaving using wool and made some detailed art work that were placed in the trees. We have 2 more sessions left this term. Please can we have all forest school clothes in, if they do not have them then they cannot join us outside. At the end of the term we will be doing a whole class morning in the forest school area.

Friday, 15 June 2018

Loom Band Fantastic - 11th June 2018

Indi-Rose in year 2 has thought of an exciting project which could raise lots of money for our Big Project.  Thinking big, Indi-Rose with the help of you, would like to create a Loom Band which stretches all of the way to Maiden Castle!  There will be a stall at our Summer Fair next weekend.  We need your help though.  If you have any loom bands gathering dust we could put them to a really good use!Image result for loom bands world record longest

Wednesday, 13 June 2018

Y1- Using money

This week we have been using money to make certain amounts. For example what coins could we use to make 13p? Some children found this quite a challenge understanding that there is not a coin for every amount. If you get a chance to in the evenings or at the weekend then you could set your child some challenges like this and see what they can come up with.

In Literacy we have looked at:
We had to describe and compare the two Grandmothers. Today we read the story of Katie Morag delivers the mail. We will be using this story to make our own stories and adventures on the island of Struay. 

Can I remind everyone about Forest School on Monday please for the Spring and Summer group. Long sleeve tops and trousers will be needed even if it is warm. 

Wednesday, 6 June 2018

Y1- Have you been outside today?

Year 1 are supporting the wildlife trusts #30dayswild campaign. We will be getting outside every day and using our fantastic school grounds. Yesterday we went out in the meadow and noticed the beautiful wild flowers growing, the bees and also found something called 'Cuckoo spit'. 
This is caused by froghopper nymphs that live inside this froth that are found on plant stems in the spring. 

Today we went in to the woods. We listened to the birds in the trees and had a go at climbing some of the trees. We discussed the importance of only doing this with an adult near by and not going to high! 

We have also been watching clips of 'Wild academy' which is the child version of Springwatch. If you have missed these you can catch the episodes on BBC iplayer. These are fascinating and cover a range of wildlife. Today we learnt about the different cameras watching the different nests and looked at foxes. 

The children have loved getting outside and it has helped to get them focus on their learning. 

Monday, 4 June 2018

Y1-Lets start Summer 2....

This term we are starting the topic of 'island adventures'. The first story we will be looking at is Katie Morag by Mairi Hedderwick. This week we will be looking at who this author is and where she comes from. We will be ordering stories in alphabetical order and taking the time to look at letter formation.

In Maths we will be focusing on money. Ordering, adding, matching amounts to coins and working out what coins we could use to make a certain amount. So if you are out and about or have any change in your purse why not let your child count it? You could set up a shopping game at home?

During our teacher training day today the teachers had an insightful talk with a chiropractor about posture and the exercises we can do to promote a healthy posture. This includes the way in which we sit, lay down and use our devices. We will be experimenting with this over the next few weeks, making sure that when we are working throughout the day that our spines are the right shape.

Please could we remind anyone that hasn't bought back in their awards from Spring 2 to bring them in so that the children that were awarded them at the end of last term can have them please.

Forest School will start on Monday for Spring and Summer group. Long trousers and a long sleeve top will be needed please whatever the weather. No shorts or short sleeve tops please.

Mrs Bishop starts in Year 1 this week on a Thursday and a Friday. If you have any questions please do feel free to come and talk to anyone in the Year 1 team or you can arrange a meeting with myself or Mrs Bishop.

Looking forward to hearing about your half term fun.

Mrs Thorpe and the Year 1 team