Monday 18 June 2018

Y1- What a smooth plane ride to Russia!

Wow what a journey we took this morning! All of the children enjoyed the plane journey to Russia. It was fantastic to see the excitement as we took off and flew through the clouds.

We have now started our 'Global awareness fortnight'. Over the next two weeks we will be researching different countries and continents. We will be baking, painting, drawing, writing and collaging to help us build a show piece for our International cafe on Thursday 28th June.

A few things that are coming up in Year 1-
Next week on Tuesday we will be going on our Portland Bill trip. If you are free on the morning of the 26th and are able to accompany us then please do let a member of the team know. Children to wear normal school clothes please and have a snack and drink.

Wednesday PM (27th) is our KS1 sports afternoon. Everyone is welcome to come and watch as we partake in races on the field and playground skills/games. This is the same day that the home learning will be handed in. Just a reminder that your child bought a country home that they need to research and make a landmark/feature of.

Today in Forest school the children were weaving using wool and made some detailed art work that were placed in the trees. We have 2 more sessions left this term. Please can we have all forest school clothes in, if they do not have them then they cannot join us outside. At the end of the term we will be doing a whole class morning in the forest school area.

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