Thursday, 24 June 2021
Four weeks left.....WHERE HAS THE TIME GONE?!
Wednesday, 16 June 2021
Class assembly
Hi everyone, I hope you've been enjoying the nice hot and sunny weather!
There has been a bit of confusion over the class assembly so I thought a blog to clear it all up would be perfect. If you know there is a parent/carer who does not look at the blog please can you pass the information on.
We ask for your child's costumes to be in tomorrow. Like I said in my last blog please do not go out and buy something new, utilise what you have at home. If you don't have anything then please let me know and we can find something from upstairs.
The costume list is as follows;
David Attenborough group - Charlotte, Will W, Mina, Alek, Esme and Seth;
Summer clothes
Brown, yellow, khaki colours
Any hats would be good!
Charles Dickens group - Dylan, Kizzie, Josh K, Flo, Ralph and Mia;
Black trousers and white top/shirt
Waist coat if you have one
Blazers will be provided from school
Neil Armstrong group - George, Josh H, Jacob, Jessica, Sarah and Molly;
Space suits of costumes if you have them, if not silver/grey/glittery/sparkly clothes
China group - Georgia, Xander, Flynn, Grace and Lucia;
Red and yellow top and trousers
Any china related clothes you may have
Samuel Pepys group - Ruby, Ellis, Malie, Will G and Reuben;
Black trousers and white top/shirt
Waist coat if you have one
Blazers will be provided
Captain Blackbeard group - Evie, Jack, Sennen, Imogen and Tabs;
Pirate costumes if you have any. If not, red clothes, stripy tops, black trousers.
Monday, 14 June 2021
Arts and Wellbeing Week - Collecting Resources
Exciting News...
We will be having our Arts and Wellbeing Week from Monday 12th to Friday 16th July this year.
We have got lots of exciting, creative and mindful activities planned for the children and are collecting the following resources:
Interesting (clean) plastic waste such as:
colourful bottles
bottle tops
carrier bags
beads, etc...
This will be built into a rather exciting art instillation in the hall.
Wool - Any type
If you have any of the above spare, please bring to the office where we will place a collection box.
We look forward to bringing you more news about this and more #InspiredToLearn weeks soon!
Thursday, 10 June 2021
It's coming home and class assembly!
Costume ideas for class assembly - Please do not go out and buy anything new, please use clothes that you already have at home!
David Attenborough group - Charlotte, Will W, Mina, Alek, Esme and Seth;
Summer clothes
Brown, yellow, khaki colours
Any hats would be good!
Charles Dickens group - Dylan, Kizzie, Josh K, Flo, Ralph and Mia;
Black trousers and white top/shirt
Waist coat if you have one
Blazers will be provided from school
Neil Armstrong group - George, Josh H, Jacob, Jessica, Sarah and Molly;
Space suits of costumes if you have them, if not silver/grey/glittery/sparkly clothes
China group - Georgia, Xander, Flynn, Grace and Lucia;
Red and yellow top and trousers
Any china related clothes you may have
Samuel Pepys group - Ruby, Ellis, Malie, Will G and Reuben;
Black trousers and white top/shirt
Waist coat if you have one
Blazers will be provided
Captain Blackbeard group - Evie, Jack, Sennen, Imogen and Tabs;
Pirate costumes if you have any. If not, red clothes, stripy tops, black trousers.
Bike Mix Up - 10th June 2021
We have had a bit of a bike mix up! Someone has mistakenly taken the wrong bike home today from the bike shed. It is a black and bright yellow/green Apollo bike. If you have a bike of the same colour and model, could you please check as the missing bike has a child's name on it. The twin bike is safe and sound at school! We hope to swap them back tomorrow!
Many Thanks
Monday, 7 June 2021
Mathletics and TTRS May Update
Well done to all of those Resilient learners out there, Reggie is very proud of you all for continuing to practice those maths skills.
This month we have 70 Mathletics silver and bronze certificates!
A massive well done to:
Flynn B, Ellis B, Malie, Charlotte J, Grace N, Alexander P, Mia, Tabitha, Lisa A, Anna C, Asimina, Vasilis, Ursula, Hollie B, Joel B, Rosa, Anna F, Jacob H, Olivia, William T, Elliot, Jacob B, Logan, Harry C, Jolan, Noah M, Orson, Evie P, David, Isaac S and Elsie W!
In TTRS we have seen some great improvements in:
Rock Speed: Well done to Logan, Joel B and William T
Number of correct answers, coins earned and Accuracy: Well done to Evie P and Jesse
These children have also earned a new Rock Star Status:
Noah M - Rock Star and Evie P - Gigger
What is your Rock Star Status? When you feel ready have a go at Studio, it is hard to begin with, but soon you will be rocking your times tables!