Friday 7 June 2024

Welcome back and biscuit club!

 Hello Year One Families

We have had a great first week back at school, it has flown by!

In maths we have started a new module on numbers to 100. We are learning to partition numbers into tens and ones as well as use our maths vocabulary to explain where a number sits on a number line. Looking for numbers in the environment is always helpful to continue to explore and talk about numbers when you are about and about. 

In English our new book is called 'Pig the Pug' about a rather cheeky dog! At this point in the year the children are using tall the skills they have been taught to hone their writing skills. The children are getting really good at adding interesting words (such as adjectives) as well as extending their sentences using conjunctions such as and and but. The children are also brilliant at using their phonic skills to write unfamiliar words.

Our new geography topic has focused on human and physical features which the children explored and sorted this week. If you are out and about this weekend see if you and your child can fins some different human and physical features. 

In Forest school the children explored floating and sinking, making boats out of natural materials . . . and the sun shone!

Phonic Screening AKA Biscuit Club

Next week is the start of biscuit club so every child will attend, read some words and then receive a biscuit for their efforts!  The children will be surprised with a packet of biscuits on Monday morning to entice them to visit the club!

This Monday - Roundhouse daubing

Don't forget that this Monday the children will get the opportunity to start the daubing process on the roundhouse. The children will need clothes and shoes that are OK to get very muddy and dirty!

Visit to Kingston Lacey - Wednesday 19th June

If you would like to help on this school trip please do let us know.

Apologies for the lack of photos of the children - we are in the process of updating our ipads.

Have a great weekend everyone.

The Year One Team.

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