Monday 16 May 2016


Well what an exciting morning we had this morning. As we are doing a topic on animals at the moment we got Nick in from Bugfest. He was really impressed with the children's knowledge of animal groups, they could even explain the difference between an amphibian and a reptile!

First of all Nick showed us Frank his Giant African land snail then he went on to show us 'Big Bertha' who us a millipede with 256 legs!

Then we saw the hissing cockroaches. These creatures are clever as they pretend to hiss like snakes so that their predators the rats do not eat them.
After the cockroaches came the stick insects. These were not your average size but more like the size of your hand!
This is he desert hairy scorpion which was too dangerous to hold!
For the next visitors in the room the adults needed to show how brave they were...

The next spider was a bird eating one which was a bit lively for us adults!
Mr Kill was next. This poisonous centipede cannot be handled but was so interesting to watch move along the branch.

The final two animals that the children got to touch were the bearded dragons and the favourite, the boa constrictor.
A huge thank you to Nick from Bugfest, we learnt so much about the animals and will definitely remember this morning!



  1. "Mrs Thorpe your the bravest!" said Matilda. She says you were scared and went red in the face because you were "super scared". Well done you, you deserve a 'Wow Moment' and a 'cupcake' Matilda says. Mummy is not so sure you deserve a cupcake though after your decision on the winner of the 'Reception Bake Off'!

  2. Well thank you Matilda :) I was very brave as spiders are my least favourite animal! For some reason tarantulas don't seem to bother me as much as house spiders.
