Friday, 30 June 2023

The week in Year One

 Hello Year One Parents

Another fantastic week in Year one has flown by.

I wanted to celebrate your children's clear love of books and stories. We invited the children to share a book with a friend this week and they were all absolutely engrossed! It is such a joy to see their love of books.

In maths we have been learning about money. The children investigated different coins and notes and had a go at spending them in the class shop on Friday.

In English we have been reading 'The big book of blooms' which is a gorgeous book with beautiful illustrations. The children planned and wrote a fact file about a flower or plant and then on Friday they used watercolours to paint a picture of it. Again, they were so engrossed in the process and the paintings were absolutely fantastic.

Don't forget:
It is the start of our inclusive sports fortnight next week. It might be worth checking that your child has the correct PE and shoes in school ahead of our sports day too.

There are 2 strike days on Wednesday and Friday next week.

Enjoy your weekend.
The Year One Team
Mrs March, Mrs Stockman, Mrs Rogers, Miss McCourt and Ms Dainton.

Friday, 23 June 2023

The week in Year One

 Hello Year One Families

We have had a wonderful week in Year One. 

Our visit to Kingston Lacy was fantastic and we could have spent a lot longer there, there was so much to see.

We had a visit from the Dogs Trust where we learnt how to be safe around dogs. 

We ended the week with a visit to the newly improved pond area for a bit of pond dipping.

Next week, in maths, we will be learning about money. This can sometimes be a tricky area of maths to learn as children are not regularly using and seeing coins or notes, especially in our often cashless society! It would be helpful if you can give them opportunities to look at and help pay for items when you are using money. 

Drinking water at school

The children have access to their water bottles all day and every day and are always encouraged and reminded to drink regularly throughout the day. Many children refill their bottles during the day and we offer them a water pit stop at lunchtimes to make sure that they stay hydrated when outside. We recognise that in the current heat it is important for the children to keep drinking.

POW Passports

Don't forget that next week you can bring in your POW passports for Mr Spracklen to see. He is looking forward to seeing what you have been up to over the past few months.

Mrs Stockman

On Friday 30th June it will be Mrs Stockman's last official day with us. She has been a key member of staff over 2 terms in Year One. We have been very lucky to help her on her journey as a teacher and she has been invaluable in helping the class grow and learn this year. We wish her all the very best as she takes on her teaching role at Westfield School in September. Thank you Mrs Stockman. 

Have a lovely weekend.

The Year One Team

Mrs March, Mrs Stockman,  Mrs Rogers, Miss McCourt and Ms Dainton