Monday, 24 February 2025

Year 1 - Welcome back!

 Hello everyone! We hope you have had a super half term and are feeling ready for what this next half term has in store. We are so excited to see all of your smiling faces tomorrow at the door.

Just a few reminders/updates.

On a Thursday afternoon we will now be having Forest School that will be taught by a Forest School teacher. It is really important that children have suitable clothing as they will be going outside rain or shine. Suitable clothing includes - a rain coat or suit, spare clothes and wellies. If children do not have suitable clothing they will get potentially muddy or wet.

PE will still be on a Wednesday afternoon so please send in named PE kits. We also had lots of uniform left at the end of the last half term which was unnamed. Please can you ensure all uniform - including PE kits - are fully named.

See you in the morning!

Miss White, Ms Dainton, Mrs Hibberd, Aly and Mrs C-C

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