Thursday 18 July 2024

We're nearly there!

 Hello Year One families

We have nearly made it to the end of Year One and what a year it has been! The children have grown and flourished and we are so proud of how far they have come.

Today was our last forest school together with Mrs Surtees. We ventured out of school with our adventure sticks, collecting memories on the way. We made it to the play park for a quick play before heading back down into the undergrowth for more excitement!

Back at school we were treated to an ice cream from our friend Ronnie and had a well-earned rest!

We are looking forward to spending our last day together in Year One tomorrow. 

Thank you, Year One parents, for your support over the year to help your child reach their potential. 

A big thank you for our lovely gifts, cards and words. We have loved every minute!

The Year One Team

Sunday 14 July 2024

The final week - Year One


Hello Year One Families

Can you believe we are nearly at the end of another school year? It has absolutely flown by!

The mornings will feel familiar to the children with some changes made to the afternoons this week, in a bid to keep changes to a minimum. 

We will be sending home all PE and Forest School kits this week.

On Thursday we will have a Y1 celebration day. Children can bring in games and toys to play with in the morning and then we will be having an extra special forest school session in the afternoon. 

Friday is our leavers service in the morning followed by a community movie on the big screen after school.

We are looking forward to an enjoyable last week together inYear One.

The Year One Team.

Wednesday 3 July 2024

Super sports day!

 Hello Year One families

Thank you for joining us for what was a wonderful sports day. The children were absolutely fantastic and threw themselves into everything they did from the egg and spoon to the sack race and everything in between. 

We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!

The Year One Team