Thursday 29 March 2018

Dippy Day

What an amazing time we had this morning at Dorchester Museum seeing Dippy. The children completed two tasks as Paleontologists unvailing fossils and hunting for eveidence of dinosaurs around the Jurassic coast, before analysing Dippy itself. They were all superstars. 

To continue the dinosaur theme of this week, on Saturday, Dorchester will be hosting the children’s favourite CBeebies dinosaur adventurer, Andy himself! For more information please visit

I wish you all a fabulous Easter and look forward to more exciting learning next term!

Wednesday 28 March 2018

Y1- Learning about fossils

Thank you so much to Noah M Mum that came in with all of her fossils today. We looked at a number of different ammonites and belemnites. The children learnt some facts about fossils such as did you know that millions of years ago Dorset was under water. That is why we only find sea creatures as fossils. Fascinating! The children wrote and drew some brilliant pieces after the visit.

Y1- Congratulations EVIE P!

Well done to Evie P who won the South West Region Premiership poem competition. She wrote a fantastic poem about learning to do breaststroke! We have had film crew and newspaper journalists in today to celebrate. All the children should be on the news listening to Evie read her poem. Keep an eye on BBC spotlight and the Echo for the clips. 

Well done Evie we are so PROUD of you. 

Dippy day tomorrow!!!

Tuesday 27 March 2018

Y1- Easter home learning research

We have sent home the Easter home learning. All of the children will have a sheet explaining what they need to do but below is an explanation

Next term we'll be starting our new topic ‘Really Wild’. We would like you to research the animal that your child has chosen which is a   (all children have this on their sheet, if you have lost it I have a list of what the animals are)                                 .

We have given you a piece of paper which we would like you to write on (also given you a spare just in case you need it). We will be making a class factfile with all of the home learning so it can only be on the one page.

Your home learning should include
-Name of your animal.
- Where they are from
- A picture (either printed our and stuck on or a drawing)
-What they eat
-One special fact about it.

This should be written in sentences that the children themselves sound out. All of the children will be reading their own writing when they come back to school. Please can we have this given in on the first day back after the holidays which is Monday 16th April.

We look forward to reading all the facts! This is a brilliant opportunity to work with your child and find out some facts about animals! Please do encourage your child to use their phonics mat to help with spellings, have finger spaces, capital letters and full stops.

Y1- Trip to the farm

We have had a fantastic trip to the farm! We trudged through the muddy puddles to look at all the animals. 
Hazel showed us her pigs first. We learnt about the different features of a pig. Can your child tell you what they are? Then we went to the cow shed, chicken coop and finally the lambs. 

We all love a trip to the farm and know we are so lucky to have Maiden Castle farm so close to us. Thank you so much Hazel for explaining about all the animals at the farm we had a brilliant time. 

Monday 26 March 2018

Y1 The start of an action packed Dino week!

What a great start to Dino week! After the children were questioning the mysterious arrival of dinosaur manure we started a rota of activities. We had some amazing dinosaurs made out of paper. The children have also made some dinosaur nests and decorated their own eggs. We have been using purple mash to decorate and compare dinosaurs.

This afternoon Spring and Summer group finished off their forest sessions by planting redcurrants and helping to build and area to keep our fire wood dry.

Off to the farm tomorrow!

Sunday 25 March 2018

Dino Week

I hope you have all had a lovely weekend. I am very excited for the 'surprise' in the morning!

This week we will be making some 'Dinosaur Art' in year 1. If you have any empty kitchen rolls, wrapping paper rolls, please could you bring them in over the course of the week?

Many thanks,

Mrs Entwistle

Friday 23 March 2018

Sports Relief Day!

Wow! What an amazing 'sporty' day we have had.

The children enjoyed working as a team to pass their balloon the fasted down their line. We were not allowed to use hands for one round, had to use knees for another round and pass it backwards for the final round... they all had a great laugh!

This afternoon the children took part in a whole school workout session, they were all amazing at the activities and put me to shame! This was followed by a whole school run/walk a mile. Some children were not content only completing a mile and went round again. The whole school ran 176 miles in total!

Thank you for all your kind donations today, as far as I know we raise just over £100! Thank you.

In Literacy today the children created a great set of instructions on how to make pancakes. We use bossy verbs to start our sentences... can your child remember the other name for a bossy verb? (imperative)

In Numeracy we continued our work on fractions and sharing equally. The children have really got to grips with halving and evening using quarters! What can you share equally this weekend?

This week's Class Dojo goes to Noah M for being absorbed in his learning! Well done.

I hope you all have a fantastic weekend and I can't wait to hear about the start to Dinosaur week!

Thank you for the volunteers for Dippy trip on Thursday morning. We are now at the stage of completing our puppets and need as many hands on as possible. If you could spare an time on Thursday afternoon to help us with sewing/ gluing/ stapling it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Wednesday 21 March 2018

Y1- Reminders

Just a reminder about sport relief on Friday where the children can wear something sporty for a suggested £1 donation.

Tuesday is our farm trip, if you can help out please let us know. Wednesday is dress down day and finally Thursday is our dippy trip! What a busy and exciting tome we have ahead!

Sunday 18 March 2018

Y1- Snow!

Wow aren’t we lucky to have this snow! If you are making the journey in please can we make sure we have extra layers of warm clothes and sensible footwear. We will be going out in it at some point!

Thursday 15 March 2018

Class Assembly

Just a quick reminder about year 1's class assembly tomorrow (Friday 16th March) at 9:20 am. 

The children have been working very hard and  look forward to transporting you into space!

Wednesday 14 March 2018

Y1- Big Write brilliance!

Wow what a fantastic Big Write we had today. The children spent 40 minutes writing their adapted stories of Little Red Riding Hood. Using their story maps the children wrote the stories.

It was great to see how absorbed they were in their learning and how proud they felt of their writing.

Well done everyone!

Reminder that it is our assembly on Friday at 9.20am

Tuesday 13 March 2018

Y1- Pandora is sharing her magical story telling dust

This week the children have been retelling the story of Little Red Riding hood using a story map. Pandora the magical pixie helped the children by giving them magical story telling glitter! Today the children have changed some of the characters in the story and also the setting. Tomorrow is our Big Write. The children will use their story maps to right as much as they can in our 40 minute lesson. The idea of the big write is for the children to be able to show in a longer piece of writing what they have learnt. This is why it is really important to work with your child at home when they are writing sentences for their home learning. It is fantastic to see the children are bringing in longer sentences now. Why not sit down with your child in the next week and encourage them to bring something in to show. It could be something that they have found, their favourite toy (not electrical or too precious) or even something that they have made.

Yesterday in maths we started to half and quarter pizzas. The children are learning how to write fractions and make them out of shapes and numbers.

Assembly practice is going well. The children are very confident with the song and are getting a lot better with their lines. Don't worry if you haven't been able to look at them yet we have until Friday.

Friday 9 March 2018

This week's learning!

This week the children have been working hard on sequencing the story of Little Red Riding Hood, retelling the story from the pictures and some children have been adding speech marks! Can your child sequence a story you're reading at home or retell the story using the pictures?

In Maths this week, we have been working on fractions, sharing between two to get 1/2 of an amount, object or shape, calling it 1 of 2 equal parts. Can you halve any numbers, shapes or objects at home?

In phonics, Read Write Inc, the children have really enjoyed reading their books and becoming familiar with red (tricky) and green words. They have also wrote some fantastic descriptive sentences. 

Our Class Assembly will take place next Friday morning (16th March). This afternoon I have sent home lines for your child to practice. They will have the words with them, it is just to familiarise themselves with what they have to read. I have also included the words for the song we are going to sing! Can your child remember the actions to go with the song?

Our Class Dojo this week was Thomas and Lily - Well done!

I hope you all have a lovely weekend and enjoy your Mother's Day celebrations!

Wednesday 7 March 2018

Y1 Freeze frame drama in the woods!

Today in Literacy we took the story of Little Red Riding Hood outside to the Forest School area! The children worked in small groups to cut out the story. They then had to show the class a freeze frame from a section of the story. I wonder if your child remembers what freeze frame they did today? What character were they? This type of drama is a fantastic way to build up the children’s confidence of story telling and performing.

In maths we are focussing on halving this week. I have just set some more mathletics challenges linked to this and multiplication and division.

It is great to see some quality home learning coming in this week with a focus on what we are leaning. Please do make sure that if your child wants to show and tell that they are writing at least 2/3 sentences. They can describe what they are showing, where they got it, what they do etc...

Just a reminder that next Friday is our class assembly at 9.20am. Lines will be coming home shortly but there is no pressure to learn them. We want the children to enjoy the assembly and show some of their amazing learning. We will be there to help with lines.

Parents Evening this week

Just a reminder that I will be holding parent consultation evening this Thursday. Times will remain the same unless you can not make it, in which case we can arrange another appropriate time for you. I look forward to seeing you tomorrow.

Mrs Entwistle

Sunday 4 March 2018

Y1-The week ahead....

We hope that you have enjoyed your extended snowy weekend!

This week the children will be working on the story of Little Red Riding Hood. They will be sequencing the story, writing character descriptions and learning about when to use speech marks.

In maths we will be learning about division or 'sharing'. The children still use resources such as counters to help them work out questions such as ' can you share 8 between 2'. We will then be looking at fractions.

In DT we are linking our theme to traditional tales. The children are designing, then they will make and evaluate a hand puppet.

Forest School will be Monday this week. Lets hope it is not as cold as last week!

On Tuesday we have our swimming Olympian in which is very exciting! The children will be doing a circuit of activities  and we will have an assembly. Pictures to follow!!