Thursday 31 January 2019

Year 1 - What's Going On This Week...?

Image result for diary

Hello everyone,

A few notices about what's coming up and things that we are up to at the moment! We continue to explore the Great Fire of London topic and the cereal boxes you have very kindly bought in are being transformed into 'London Town' please have a look when you come in to the classroom. We do have some plans for this that you may be able to figure out?!
Next week we will participating in our Big Write! for this half term. Some material for this will be coming home tomorrow with everyone so please have a look over the weekend and discuss as this is such an important step! We are writing diaries this time.
A little update on Accelerated Reader for year 1 - this will now begin after half term to allow the proper amount of time that will ensure children are reading the correct challenge of text. 
Finally, a little forewarning that we would like to invite you all in on Thursday 14th February from 3.00pm to enjoy a little bakery that will be open for one day only. I'll post more reminders as time goes on but if you are able to make that date please add it to your diary!

Year 1 team

Monday 21 January 2019

Year 1 - This Week...

Image result for this week...

Hello everyone,

Firstly, tomorrow is the date for the rearranged parent information session that should have been last Tuesday. This will be held in the staffroom - please feel free to head over after drop-off in the morning. 
Thank you to everyone who has brought in their cereal box and milk bottle! If we could have all these by 31st Jan that would be amazing. These will go towards making a 'London scene' based on our Great Fire of London topic. 
Our learning this week will continue to take us through the Great Fire of London. We'll be using this as a literacy stimulus for diary writing, eyewitness accounts and property experts! 
After a couple of weeks focused on time we are going to be returning to place value in maths; ordering numbers by size and becoming comfortable with tens and ones up to 99.
Please continue to check the home learning wallets for new material as we do try to update this every week with some new bits. 

Year 1 team

Thursday 17 January 2019

Year 1 - Request for Year 1 Children!

Image result for cereal box
Image result for 4 pint milk bottle

Hello everyone,

I hope by now that you have all had the opportunity to talk about and discuss what we have been learning in school in regards to The Great Fire of London. To help us with this learning, and with some other upcoming learning that will be taking place we would kindly ask that every child bring in to school...

  • 1 empty cereal box.
  • 1 empty 4 pint of milk carton. 
These two things will be used in the classroom to create things. The box will go towards making a class version of 'London 1666'. The milk bottle will be used in creating something for an upcoming themed week - more will follow on that one. 
We are happy to start collecting these from now! If we could have them by 31st Jan at the latest.

Year 1 team

Monday 7 January 2019

Year 1 - Welcome Back!

Hello everyone,

It was lovely to see you all this morning! We've had such a great day of learning and discovery today. We begun our new topic for this half term - The Great Fire of London! We jumped back in time (literally) and found out lots of information using various sources... we read to find information, we used videos, newspapers and online resources. We will continue to develop this as the term goes on. 
A few notices...

- Spellings will return and be sent home every Wednesday for the following week. Even 5 minutes of practice really does make a difference.
- The first Forest School session is this Wednesday so please make sure your child has wellies and possibly a hat with the cold weather we have slipped in to. 
- Parent information session for year 1 will be next Tuesday morning at 9.00am

Year 1 team