Monday 6 June 2011

Welcome back!

We hope that everyone had a great half term holiday and that they are looking forward to some exciting learning in the last weeks of year 1.
In Maths we are looking at simple multiplication and division, using plenty of resources such as coins to help the children understand the concepts. You could practise sharing at home. A good start is to have 12 coins and then share them between 2,3,4,6 friends/toys or whatever. Some children will come home with a timestable worksheet and grid. Give it a go!
In PE we will be focussing on athletics (relay racing) and some throwing skills.
In Literacy this week, we are studying Concrete Poetry. Not poems about concrete, but these are poems based on our Minibeast topic. The idea is that you use the shape/outline of a minibeast and then write around or inside the shape words that relate to the animal. For example, today we had a simple drawing of a spider on the IWB and the children thought of words such as 'hairy', 'creepy', 'leggy', which we wrote inside the web. The Woodlands Trust website below is very good and one which we will be exploring this week in ICT.
Mr Cox

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