Tuesday 24 April 2012

As part of our Minibeast work today the children have been using books to research the minibeast of their choice.  They began yesterday by doing an annotated drawing of it and then today finding out and writing some new facts which they did not know previously.  This is ongoing and I hope that they will be able to recall this information if you ask them!
Next week in ICT the research will continue and I hope more facts will be discovered about minibeasts.

In mental maths we are working out some multiplication facts based on x2, x3, x5, x10.  I used the Spinners which can be found via Topmarks and then selecting the 2 spinners and typing in my own values. I started with some lower numbers and was then ble to increase some to stretch the children.  They are making very good progress and are also beginning to recognise that if the 2 numbers are reversed the answer is the same - 3x10 and 10x3. 
Tomorrow will lead to further challenges x4 and x6! Using selected numbers of course. I don't want to put them off by making the answers too difficult.

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