Wednesday 10 October 2012


This week we are thinking about buying new homes.  Today the children did some role play about buying and selling homes then had to describe the types of home they would like to have. 

We have a number who fancy living in a castle and others who think a country estate would make a good home.  Some children like the idea of many rooms, I just hope they realise how much cleaning these big houses would take!

The Year One Estate Agents would be a good place to buy your next property as the prices range from 19p to £385.

Thank you to all those who have already signed up for a Parent's Consultation time.  If you still have to do so please pop in this week as there still a few gaps left.

I would like to award a big star to those parents who have found some of the useful ways to mark which week it is,  in the Home - School Diary.  So far we have a ribbon, a small sticky note and a smart paper clip as a "book mark".  I apologise if other ideas have not yet been noted.  Any other ideas will be shared, so see how ingenious you can be.  They do save time when hunting for the correct pages to write on.  So Thank You once again.

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