Thursday 15 May 2014

This week's learning - 12th May 2014

Another busy week in year 1!  The Quirks have been dressing up, bugs have been hunted and seeds sown.  There has been lots of progress in Maths where we have been using number lines and other resources to help us add two or more numbers together.  The children are becoming much more confident at reading and writing bigger numbers.
We were lucky enough to go into the Life Education Centre on Tuesday morning where Moira, Harold and his friends taught us all about being healthy.  We saw the light up body model and some beautiful stars in the sky above as well as learning how to take care of our bodies!
Next week we will be going Reading Bananas with our trip to the library, group reading as usual and the children are going to begin using a computer based reading programme called Reading Eggs where the children can earn rewards for their reading!

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