Tuesday 14 October 2014

Asking questions, money, Kandinsky and trains!

What a fantastic start to the week! It is great to see so many brilliant pieces of home learning. Well done everyone who has bought us some writing, maths, pictures and maps. We do try and share and praise every piece of home learning either on a one to one basis, to the whole class or with Mr Farrington.

In Music this week we have listened to the song 'The little train of Caipira’ . The track is a motive track that tells the story of a train travelling through Brazil. The children listened to the track and thought about what the train was doing (faster tempo-train was travelling down hill). Then they drew what they thought that train looked like at a particular part in the track.

In Literacy we are looking at how to ask questions using the five main openers
This week we will be looking at the topic question: How many types of houses are there? The children will be learning about different homes and cultures from around the world.

In Maths we have started to look at money. On Monday we were concentrating on looking at how many pennies are in 5p,10p, 20p and 50p. We have now moved on to adding two amounts of money together using 1ps to help. So if you have the chance to at any point please do let the children count the coins in your purses/piggy banks.

In Art today we started to look at the artist Kandinsky. Half of the class started to make their abstract trees based on one of Kandinsky's pictures whilst the other half worked with Miss Richards looking at changing materials in Science. Keep an eye out in the Year 2 classroom over the next week to see the abstract trees develop!

Thank you for all the kind offers to join us on our trip on Tuesday. We now have enough helpers.

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