Tuesday 18 November 2014

18.11.14- Learning in Year 1 this week...

Monday was such an experience for us all. It was a honour to see Prince Charles at our school and get to perform our Prince of Wales School rap.

This week in Literacy we have been reading and writing about The Jolly Postman. This book is such a brilliant book for developing talking and questioning about characters. We will be writing letters to other characters in traditional tales and writing our own beginning of the story.

In maths we are still looking at measuring in centimetres and using the language of longer, shorter, taller. We have used the tally information that we collected last week to make pictograms.

We are trying to encourage super sitting on the carpet and at tables. This in turn makes the children's handwriting so much neater. We continually remind children about cursive writing where all letters are formed correctly. It can be quite tricky, but the children are getting much better! It's great to see some many children practising their spellings!

Year 1 team

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