Wednesday 15 March 2017

YR1 14.3.2017 The Week Ahead

This week in Literacy Year 1 are concentrating on comparing different versions of the Three Little Pigs tale. They will then be rewriting their own version of the Three Little Pigs! I am sure they will produce great writing using a variety of punctuation! Please continue to practise spellings and phonics with your child this week. Additionally, please make sure your child is reading their guided reading books at home (or any other book) to get them reading! So many Year 1’s have progressed in their reading over the last few months it would be great to see this continue…!

In Maths this week, we are concentrating on Addition. We will be creating word problems and problem solving. I know many of do simple addition sums with your child at home, but if you could turn them into word problems that would be fantastic, as it really supports the children’s learning. E.g. 6 boys get on a bus at the first stop, 7 girls get on the bus at the next. How many people are on the bus now?

On Thursday, Spring group will start making their Traditional Tale Puppets! Thank you to those parents have already come in and helped it is much appreciated! If any parent is available this Thursday at 1.30pm to help with sewing that would be wonderful! Please just let one of the Year 1 team know.

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