Sunday 11 June 2017

YR1 This weeks learning

In Science last week we planted some seeds and are doing an ongoing investigation into what plants need to grow. Two of plants are receiving water and sunlight, two are receiving water but no light and two are receiving light but no water. Over the next few weeks the class will be monitoring these so please ask them questions at home to develop their understanding.

This week in Literacy we will be continuing to learn about plants and animals. We will be learning about different habitats using non-fiction books and the internet and then consolidating our learning together. I hope by the end of the week each child will have described a habitat in detail. 

This week in Maths we are going to be continuing to learn about money. Last week the children started to think about the value of different coins and notes and we will be developing their knowledge of this throughout the week. We will be also be solving addition and subtraction money problems and counting in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s using money. As I mentioned last week, keep exploring money at home, for example could your children write a money word question?!

Phonics Screening is this week, please do not mention this to your child as I am going to make it seem very informal, just like a 1:1 phonics session (with stickers!). This will hopefully make your child feel relaxed so they can do their best. If you have any further questions about this please do not hesitate to ask me.

Year 1 Team

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