Friday 20 October 2017

YR1 End of first half term

What an amazing first half term!!

A big congratulations to:
  • -          Riley who has won the half-termly Farrington Award for Learning about the World
  • -          Charlie Burgess who has won the half-termly Star Reading Award
  • -          Jolan who has won the half-termly Wow Writing Award
  • -          Elliott who has won the half-termly Maths Award
  • -          Dimitra who has won the half-termly PE Award
  • -          Noah M who has won the half-termly Creative Arts Award
  • -          Layla who has won the half-termly Music Award
  • -          Dylan who has won the ICT Award

As you are aware this week we have introduced your child to Mathletics and after half term we will give them a laminated card with their usernames and passwords on so you can use it more at home. Over half term, please keep doing learning with your child orientated towards number bonds to 10 and 20. So even if in the car your shout out the number 4 and they have to tell you the other number (so 6) to make 10. They are getting quicker at this, but some children need more practice, especially up to 20! Also please get creative over half term with the home learning!!

There is a change to our Class Assembly. To confirm it is going to be on Friday 17th November, but at 2.30pm!!! Once we have finished you are welcome to sign your child out and go early. The reason for the change is that it is school pictures in the morning which we cannot rearrange. Sorry for any inconvenience.

Year 1 Team

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