Tuesday 27 March 2018

Y1- Easter home learning research

We have sent home the Easter home learning. All of the children will have a sheet explaining what they need to do but below is an explanation

Next term we'll be starting our new topic ‘Really Wild’. We would like you to research the animal that your child has chosen which is a   (all children have this on their sheet, if you have lost it I have a list of what the animals are)                                 .

We have given you a piece of paper which we would like you to write on (also given you a spare just in case you need it). We will be making a class factfile with all of the home learning so it can only be on the one page.

Your home learning should include
-Name of your animal.
- Where they are from
- A picture (either printed our and stuck on or a drawing)
-What they eat
-One special fact about it.

This should be written in sentences that the children themselves sound out. All of the children will be reading their own writing when they come back to school. Please can we have this given in on the first day back after the holidays which is Monday 16th April.

We look forward to reading all the facts! This is a brilliant opportunity to work with your child and find out some facts about animals! Please do encourage your child to use their phonics mat to help with spellings, have finger spaces, capital letters and full stops.

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