Monday 7 January 2019

Year 1 - Welcome Back!

Hello everyone,

It was lovely to see you all this morning! We've had such a great day of learning and discovery today. We begun our new topic for this half term - The Great Fire of London! We jumped back in time (literally) and found out lots of information using various sources... we read to find information, we used videos, newspapers and online resources. We will continue to develop this as the term goes on. 
A few notices...

- Spellings will return and be sent home every Wednesday for the following week. Even 5 minutes of practice really does make a difference.
- The first Forest School session is this Wednesday so please make sure your child has wellies and possibly a hat with the cold weather we have slipped in to. 
- Parent information session for year 1 will be next Tuesday morning at 9.00am

Year 1 team

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