Thursday 12 September 2019

Year 1 - This Week...

Image result for exhausted children

Hello everyone,

It has been lovely to work through our first full week together in year 1! The children are really beginning to settle in to the routine of the day. Although... there may be some very tired children. 

We have started learning about zoo animals in our literacy with 'adjectives' being introduced today! We have explained this as a word used to describe a thing - pretending to be an alien and not knowing anything about things!
In science this week we carried out the 'Elephant's Toothpaste' experiment! Because how else are elephants meant to brush their teeth?! We also began looking at MRS GREN and what it means for something to be alive... see if you can remember what the different letters stand for - some very complicated words! 

Image result for mrs gren 

In Maths we will be looking at mastering numbers up to 10 for the next couple of weeks. In particular we are introducing how to write the words of numbers up to 10! I have popped some bits in the home learning wallets that everyone is very welcome to take.

Image result for numbers to 10 in words

Finally, I hope that the parents information session on Tuesday was useful as well as the termly newsletter. If there is anything you are unsure of still please come and find us. 

Year 1 team

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