Sunday 21 June 2020

Sunday 21st June 2020- Dance Day, Prezi & Spellings

Hello everyone,

I hope you are all doing well. I can't believe that we are fast approaching July and with it our Inclusive Sports Fortnight (which has been extended to three weeks) to allow time for each Kingdom to have an Inclusive Sports Day Experience.

We will also be holding our yearly Dance Day on Friday 3rd July which will look slightly different to previous years but will still be lots of fun.
Year 1's dance is Superman. If your child will not be attending Dance Day - or even if they are, we would love it if you could send a video of your child dancing to the Superman Song to Mr Spracklen and he will work his magic to create a dance day video spectacular.    

If your child has been coming into school over the past few weeks, you should be very proud of how well they have adjusted to the changes. School isn't how it was when they left in March but the children have adapted to the new Kingdoms beautifully and it is lovely seeing them smiling and having fun with their friends.

If your child hasn't returned to school you should be very proud of them and yourselves. Please don't hesitate to contact us if there is anything we can do to further support you. We have recorded some voice messages to some children which have proved popular and I can continue to do this and explore any other suggestions you may have.

Here is the link for this week's Prezi presentation.

This week in maths you will notice that we do not return to the Power maths lesson until Wednesday. Multiplication and division are new concepts to year 1 and to ensure the children have a deeper understanding of what they are learning we are spending two days using apparatus and focusing on equal groups.

In Literacy we will be tying together diaries, days of the week and the Fire of London. Children will be invited to write their own diaries for an animal of their choice before looking at the the diary of Samuel Pepys.   

On Fridays I will return to focussing on spellings and handwriting practice. If your child is at home or doesn't attend school on a Friday and you would like a handwriting booklet please let me know and I can provide one for you. 

Week 3 Spellings:
cats, dogs, spends, rocks, schools, friends, thanks, catches, pushes, fetches

Week 4 Spellings:
football, playground, farmyard, bedroom, blackberry, lighthouse, sometimes, bathroom, classroom, teatime

Kind Regards,
The Year 1 team.

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