Friday 16 September 2022

A wonderful week and Marwell Zoo reminder

 Hello Year One families

What a wonderful week we have had at school. The children visited drawing club and wrote code words and sentences about an animals favourite food and what other animals might live in the zoo. We have practiced our letter formation of c, a, o, e, f and g this week too.

In maths we have learnt about counting back and one more and one less.

We have nominated our Pupil Voice(s) for Year One. Congratulations to Jack and Yasmine.

We also nominated our Eco Crew. Congratulations to Nellie and Ralph.

The children will attend meetings and represent our class for this term.

We have also been learning in lots of new ways around the classroom. This week we:

 Practiced our model making skills ahead of our 'zoom' with Nick Mackman next week. 

Learnt some more facts about different continents. Keep the home learning coming in . . . we are enjoying playing 'Guess the continent'.

Independently practiced our maths learning by sorting objects, using a tens frame, counting and making 1 more.

We wrote to the zoo keeper to tell him what animals we could see.

Investigated animals and their groups (often using magnifying glasses).

Built animal enclosures - inside and outside.

Marwell Zoo
Don't forget we are off to Marwell zoo on Wednesday 21st September. Children should arrive promptly at 8.45am as we will be leaving at 9am. Please make sure your child is packed for all weather! This includes a raincoat, suncream and a sun hat. Please provide you child with a packed lunch and snacks for the day. If you have ordered a lunch we will take those with us. A bottle of water will also be needed.We aim to be back at school at 5pm.

If you have volunteered to help on the school trip please could you confirm you are coming  either via email or on the door on Tuesday.

Another wonderful week in Year One and an exciting one to look forward to next week. See you all on Tuesday.

The Year One Team

Mrs March, Ms Browne, Mrs Rogers, Mrs Stockman and Miss McCourt

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