Monday 14 January 2013


Well the second term of clubs has begun this week and we’ve got a great array of clubs for your children to choose from. If you didn’t sign up for a club and your child wanted to please visit our school office to see if there are spaces.

Choir will begin on Thurs lunchtime with Mrs Mewett, and this year we will be having the support of Mrs Gallego in this club. The choir will be open to all children in Yr 2, 3 and 4 and we hope we can entice children to attend with an attendance card which will be signed each time they come. There will be some rewards to work towards to encourage children to regularly attend the choir too!!!!

Orchestra – this is very much taking the opportunity this year of our many talented proficient musicians. I endeavour to welcome all to orchestra, the children will need to have a range of notes to be able to play orchestral pieces thus why on the club lists I stated that the Music teachers will help me select children who are ready for this challenge! Anyway our task is to try to put one or two pieces together to showcase in the summer music concert! If you are able to help with this group then the more hands available the better so please contact me!

Recorder club – I will be talking to the school on Wednesday morning about this but wanted to let parents know that we will be offering a beginner recorder class from next Monday, open to Reception children and anyone else who wishes to begin.

The clubs are lots of fun for the children, can we ask you to help reinforce to your child that if they commit to a club then they do attend weekly? A lot of time is spent planning and preparing for these clubs, a benefit of when children regularly attend is that it really helps clubs which involve new learning each week like recorders and choir. I have been stunned by the progress recorder players made last year through committing to a weekly club.

Many thanks with your support. Any questions regarding clubs please see either the office team or myself.


Mrs Mewett

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