Monday 12 September 2016

Y1 12.9.16- Building learning powers

This morning we revisited our 'Resilience' learning power. With the help of Cooper (the tortoise) the children spoke about how to overcome barriers to their learning so that that they manage distractions, are absorbed in their learning, notice when they may get distracted and persevere even when they find something difficult. We watched a video clip explaining about how important our brains are and that they need to be thought of as a muscle. Our brains need challenges to make them grow stronger and to learn. All of the children agreed that they can learn better if they follow the resilient tortoises motto of ’give it a go, and it's ok to get it wrong'.

All of the class then went outside for some tricky team games. They needed to try and get from one side of the playground to the other only using 3 mats. They should great perseverance, team work and determination.

This afternoon was also our first forest school session with Autumn and Winter group. The groups learnt all about the forest school area and made dens. The pictures will be on the school website on Wednesday. Please can all children have long sleeve tops next week. I know that it is warm still but they need to be wearing a long sleeve top (not a fleece if is warm) and long trousers (jeans or joggers).

Finally, thank you everyone that has either sent me an email or given me a photo of your homes. If you haven't managed to send a picture of the outside of your home yet please can we have this by Wednesday. You can email this to the school office with the attention of Y1 or give us a copy in the morning. We will be labelling the picture in school so we do need a picture of the whole of the outside of your house.

Many thanks

Mrs Thorpe and the Year 1 team

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