Friday 18 May 2018

This week

It was lovely to be back in our classroom this week and WOW what a difference!

We have had another busy couple of days doing lots of learning and celebrating achievements.

 On Thursday we continued with subtracting in maths. The children were using tens frames to support their counting and understanding which information makes a number sentence from word problems!

In literacy we read the story by Julia Donaldson called 'Tiddler', looking at the rhyming patterns yet continuing with our 'really wild' theme. The children made some great excuses for Tiddler being late for school drawing on their knowledge of sea creatures from the topic.

Thursday afternoon led to the next round of judging for the recycling home learning projects, where the year 1 winner, Logan with his curry making machine, won. They were all really great ideas from the children and executed brilliantly using recycled materials. Well done to everyone!

Today we started our day with a visit from Larry the Lobster, continuing with our ocean strand of the 'really wild' topic. The children were all fantastic with their questions and handling of the Lobster. I was very impressed with how brave they all were!
 (Photos to follow... technical difficulties!)

We looked at the special event happening this weekend with the Royal Wedding and talked about guest who would attend. We looked at Prince Harry's family tree and how the heir to the throne works. The children then discussed and made their own family trees, remembering grandparents names very well indeed.

We celebrated Max's success with being class dojo winner this week for his readiness to learn. Well done.

I hope you all have a fantastic weekend and the lovely weather continues!

Next Friday as a treat to the children (and myself) I would like to hold a Teddy Bears Picnic Party in the afternoon. We will be treated to a scone or piece of cake with our Teddies and play some party games. Please could your child bring in a Teddy Bear/ soft toy for the picnic.

Thanks you,
Mrs Entwistle

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