I hope you are all doing well and enjoyed the first week back of the summer term at virtual school. Whenever I can, I watch Today at POW and I'm always very excited seeing the learning and creations your children have shared with Mr Spracklen. It is also lovely to hear directly from you. I am always more than happy to reply to your emails so pleased don't be afraid to contact me if you have any questions or comments or concerns. c.browne@princeofwales.dorset.sch.uk
From the emails I have received recently I get the impression that many of you have some concerns about literacy and writing specifically.
Firstly, please let me reassure you that when we return to school we will fully support your child to get back on track with their learning. However, when it comes to literacy there is so much that you can do to support your child's development that doesn't involve them picking up a pencil.
Read to them. Listening to your child read as often as you can is important but it is still very beneficial to your child to listen to you read books that they are unable to read themselves.
Talk. Please try not to worry if your child is feeling reluctant to do any 'formal' writing at home. Instead take the opportunity to talk to them. This could be about the day's literacy task (discussing ideas rather than writing them down) or it could be about a topic that interests you or your child. Last week's 'Would you rather' activity is an example of a simple game that you could play but any topic that gets your child talking and developing their ideas would be great.
Other methods of recording ideas. Fostering your child's creativity and helping them develop their thoughts and vocabulary is probably the most valuable opportunity you can give your child at this time. Therefore if your child wants to record or express their ideas in an alternative way then please embrace this. They may like to create a role play or dress up area, perhaps they could draw pictures or write a comic book. Some of them may like to record their voice or perhaps they may like to be filmed sharing or performing their ideas.
How to engage with the Literacy challenges.
In this week's Prezi presentation, in addition to the whole school literacy challenges, I will begin to introduce some Year 1 specific Literacy activities that link to this term's Pirates topic. I will also share with the children how to develop their ideas using a Think, Talk, Practice and Record approach which I use in school.
Think: Children are given some time to think about their ideas.
Talk: In school we call this Turn to you partner. Children are encouraged to talk to each other (or an adult) about their ideas and opinions. This helps them to further develop their thoughts, and to gain ideas and perspectives from their partner. As an adult in this scenario you might like to help them develop their vocabulary by using new or alternative words and by encouraging them to use descriptive language. Once your child has spoken to you it would also be helpful to them for you to share your ideas also.
Practice: Before the children record their ideas I encourage them to develop and say each sentence out loud. This gives them the chance to hear whether it makes sense and whether they can improve it.
Record: Finally the children record their sentences. Often at school, this is by writing it down but recording their voice or filming them is just as worthwhile so please explore this if your child is reluctant to physically write. You may find that your child will experiment more with language if they know that they don't have to write their ideas down.
Please remember that your child is not falling behind. Every child in the country is in the same position and when we return to school we will nurture your child and help them to reach their full potential.
Lots of love,
Ms Browne, Mrs Cura, Mrs Rogers & Mrs Barrow. xx
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