Sunday 31 May 2020

Questions about next week and the Prezi link

Hello everyone,

I hope you are all doing well and enjoyed the lovely half term weather. 

After ten weeks of lockdown there seems to be a lot of changes happening and for some children it may feel strange to witness some of the lockdown rules being relaxed. Adults and children alike are dealing with lots of emotions at the moment and giving your child a chance to ask questions or share their worries can be very helpful. Some families have a worry jar or a worry monster, whereas others find a quiet time for their child to ask questions or share concerns. Finding some time to practice some Mindful Moments may also help you and your child             

Families that are continuing to home school 

If you have made the decision to continue to home school your child I want you to know that we fully support and understand your decision. From what I have heard many of you are doing fantastic activities with your child at home. Your child will always have a place in either mine or Mr MacBean's kingdom should you change your mind about sending them to school in the future.
The Prezi presentations will continue to guide your child through each day's activities and these will mirror what is being taught at school. I will also think of ways that I can further connect all children whether they are at home or in one of the two kingdoms.   

Families that are sending their child back to school part time

The two Kingdoms will be following the content which is set out on the Prezi presentations therefore you will be able to continue your child's learning on the days they are at home. We anticipate that a significant amount of time will be taken up in school establishing routines and helping the children settle and adjust to the changes. Therefore, please don't be surprised if in school we fall a bit behind and don't cover everything that has been set, particularly in the first week or so.    

Families that are sending their child back to school

If you are sending your child back to school from Tuesday 2nd June you may still have lots of questions. This link to Mr Spracklen's letter on the 26th May contains information and further links to other letters that you may find useful. At the bottom of his letter on the 20th May there is some information about the transition back to school that may help.
I will try to answer some of your questions here, although I anticipate you may hear from us again before Tuesday. 

Can I bring my other child on the school run? - To limit the number of people on site, if it is possible, we would recommend you to leave any children not coming back to school at home with an adult. If this is not possible then they may walk with you around the one way system observing social distancing rules. 

Do I need to bring library books and school books back? - Yes please. Please return any library or book bag books you have finished with. We will provide a box for these to be placed in as you arrive in each kingdom. Please only return Power Maths Book 1C (we will use photocopies for the remaining lessons in book 1B). 

What should my child wear? - Your child can wear school uniform or home clothes or a combination of both. Government guidance states that children should wear clean clothes each day and so school uniform expectations for children (and staff) have been relaxed. 

What else can my child bring to school? - Your child will need a drink and a healthy snack each day. Please avoid sending your child with any bags (including book bags). Your child will be told where they can place their drink and snacks on arrival.  

Sun safety - We strongly recommend that you apply day long sun cream to you child before they arrive to school. Please also provide a named sun hat for your child to wear when we are outside.      
Lunches - Local Food Links have confirmed they will be re-starting provision for Hot Meals from Monday 1st June 2020. Initially, this will be based upon a limited menu selection which is available to view here . Meals CANNOT BE ORDERED in the usual way and instead we would ask you to email your menu choices through to Mrs Troughton in the School Office - Mrs Troughton can also manage any payments as required. All orders must be made by 6pm on a Wednesday ahead of a new week starting.

Any finally...

To each and everyone of you, please know that we are here for you and want to support you in any way we can. No question is ever too small and I would rather you emailed me than had any doubts or worries 

We care about each and every one of you. 

Take care, 

Love from Ms Browne and the new and extended Year 1 team (featuring Mr MacBean, Mrs Bernard and Miss Street) 


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