Sunday 3 May 2020

Year 1 - First Week of May

Hello everyone,

How are you all doing? I'll admit that my family seem to have found things a bit tougher this last week. I think the change of weather hasn't helped but ultimately lockdown is really hard on our children. I try to encourage my children to be physically active everyday but tomorrow I'm also going to start focussing on some mindfulness activities. Have you had a chance to look at the School's Mindful Moments resources? 

Your and your child's mental health and happiness are far more important than any home learning that you may or may not do so please prioritise this above any learning. As a school it is our job to offer learning activities but please be reassured that we are very happy for you to pick and choose those activities that work best for you. Please don't feel any pressure to 'keep up' with lessons or worry that your child is falling behind.   

Some families are having success by allowing their child to choose a topic to explore. Topics I have heard of include Paw Patrol, Creating and role playing a shop, Egypt, creating a bakery, gardening and planting seeds.


VE Day
As I'm sure you are aware this week we are marking the 75th Anniversary of VE day. On Thursday we are encouraging everyone to dress in RED, WHITE and BLUE and the school will be leading a virtual celebration starting at 2pm.

Many of our afternoon virtual school challenges have a VE day focus and we are encouraging children and families to learn the Vera Lynn song 'We'll meet again'.  

Year 1 learning
In this week's Prezi presentation we will continue to look at pirates and where is the world they roamed. In Maths we will be completing the numbers to 50 topic. The following week we will introducing length and height which I hope is a topic you can really have fun with practically at home. 
I am working on putting together all the year 1 activities in one Prezi presentation (in addition to the weekly ones) to make it easier for you to dip in and out. Hopefully I will have this ready for you this week.

Please continue to contact me (or any other member of staff) with any questions, comments or concerns that you may have. I am always very happy to hear from you and to get an idea of how you are doing and what I can do to further support you. 

Love and warm wishes,
The Year 1 team. xx

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