Sunday 18 October 2020


WOW WHAT AN AMAZING START TO THE YEAR WE HAVE HAD! I could not be any prouder of the children and how they have settled into Year One. The have all shown me such great attitudes to learning and have become used to the routines and expectations. Please all enjoy a well deserved two week half term.

As most of you already know we are planning a trip to Marwell Zoo on Thursday 5th November. I just wanted to share some more information regarding this trip. As we have now moved to a cashless school this means that everything needs to be paid online and also the permission is given online. A little bit strange and something new for us. Thank you to those who have already paid, we are getting very excited! I will share with you again the information that was uploaded onto SIMS. 

'I am writing to inform you about an upcoming trip to Marwell Zoo. As our topic this half term is the zoo we thought it would be a fantastic opportunity to visit a zoo and put all of our learning into practice. Due to the popularity of the Zoo we have not been able to secure a date this half term, however, we will be going Thursday 5th November 2020.

We will be having an earlier start for school as Marwell Zoo is around 1 hour 30 minutes away. We ask for children to be in school for 8am to leave at 8:30am. We will be travelling to and from the zoo in mini buses. Our arrival back to school will also be later at around 5:30. We want to ensure that we are having enough time at Marwell Zoo to take part in workshops, explore the zoo and meet all the amazing animals. 

We do ask that you please send your child in with snacks, water bottles, coats and a packed lunch. There will be no hot meals available on this day.

The cost of this trip will be £15 and we ask for this to be paid electronically.'

In regards to Covid-19 we have been updated by Marwell that the workshop we are taking part in will be outside and there will be no inside workshop. As we are visiting a zoo we will also be outside walking around the grounds. There will be many different times to ensure hand washing is taking place, just like when we are in school. Staff members from the zoo will ensure that they are socially distanced from us and the children. There will be 6 members of staff on this trip who are part of the immediate Year One bubble (Miss White, Mrs Cura, Miss Ruken and Mrs Thompson) and our extended bubble (Mr Spracklen and Mr Bascome). Mr Bascombe and Mrs Cura will be driving the minibuses. If needed we will be able to stop for a toilet break. Ours and Marwells risk assessment is in line with the current National Guideline.

One last thing, if you decide you do not want to send your child on the trip there will be in-class provision for these children provided by a member of our extended bubble.

We are all very excited about this trip and can't wait to see all of the animals.

Have a great half term, and as always if you have any questions please don't hesitate to email me.

The Year One Team! x

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