Monday 20 September 2021

Last week in Year 1

Hi everyone, sorry I haven't updated this sooner I have been a bit poorly. From now on, I will be making sure I am updating these more frequently and on time! 

What a start to Year 1 we have had. I know I said this last week but I am so proud of each and every one of your children! They are amazing!

We have been so busy in Year 1 with lots of incredible learning happening. 

In Literacy we have been focusing on the book 'Dear Zoo' by Rod Campbell. We have been using adjectives to describe different animals and started writing a letter to the zoo to ask for our favourite animal. 

In Maths we have been focusing on our numbers to 10 - looking at counting forwards and backwards and adding one more. The children are fantastic at their numbers to 10 and we also had a maths lesson in the forest school area where we were collecting objects in 10's. Such as 10 leaves, 10 sticks and 10 other things they could find.

The children are also working incredibly hard to learn how to form their numbers and letters correctly. We have a weekly session which focuses on handwriting and letter formation. Two morning jobs a week also focus on correct letter formation and number formation. 

In Science we have been continuing to explore animals including humans and looking more in depth at the different animal groups. The children enjoyed going on a hunt around the school to find animals and deciding which animal group it fits into. We were also lucky enough to meet two amazing tortoises that Mrs Thorpe brought into school!

The children have really been enjoying their Music lessons with Mrs Bishop and PE sessions with Luca (basketball coach) and Sean (cricket coach). In Art we have been exploring different ways to create animals using a range of resources such as leaves in today's lesson. In RE we have been learning about the Christianity Creation Story. In Jigsaw (PSHE) we have welcomed Jigsaw Jack into the classroom and spoke about how we feel safe and special. 

Just a few extra notices;
- Some children are still not bringing in their PE kits. Please can we ensure these are coming in.
- Some jumper/cardigans are not named which makes it a lot harder if these are misplaced. Please can we check that all school uniform is named.
- Home learning books will be coming home tomorrow. These were meant to come home Friday but other things got in the way....

Thank you for all your amazing support as always!

Miss White and the incredible Year 1 Team x

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