Friday 12 January 2024

The week in Year One

 Hello Year One Families

You will see that the children have come home with quite a few bits of paper today. At our Parent Information Session this week a few parents asked if they could have a copy of the rhymes we use to help children form the letters so I have sent this home with the children today.

The children have also come home with a story map and words that we have been learning in class as part of our English over the last few weeks. The children should be able to tell you most of the story by using the pictures to help them. I am no artist, but the children know what they mean!!

In English we also had an unexpected visit from Neil Armstrong who we asked lots of questions and also shared lots of facts that we have already learnt about the moon landing. The children also got the chance to be an astronaut themselves.

In maths we have been learning and investigating teen numbers. We spent part of the week using tens frames and rekenreks to show teen numbers. We used the stem sentence ____ needs _____ to make ____. For example 10 needs 5 to make 15. 

In history we learnt about the life of Neil Armstrong and found out how to make a timeline using different dates. We found out when Neil was born, some key points in his life and then when he died and put these dates in order. 

Although Forest school was rather cold this week the children had a great time exploring the ice. 

Don't forget these upcoming dates:

Wednesday 24th January from 2.30pm - Wheeled Wonder Parent Event. Everyone welcome.

Wednesday 31st January 8.45am - 9.30am - Mastering Number Parent Session. Come and learn how to support your child with their maths learning. There will be 5 weeks of home learning following these sessions.

Thursday 8th February - Dress like an astronaut day.

Can you help?

We need eggs boxes (that hold 6 eggs). Please could you drop off empty egg boxes to Y1 please.

Have a great weekend everyone.

The Year One Team

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