Sunday 21 January 2024

Week 3 in Y1

 Hello Year One Families

We had another busy week of learning in Year One last week. Here are a look at the highlights.

In history we have learned about Neil Armstrong's life and how to organise a  timeline. This week we combined our knowledge by starting the lesson recapping the significant event in Neil's life onto a large timeline. We then worked in groups to act out and freeze frame different parts of his life.

In maths we learnt about one more and one less and used tens frames and rekenreks to show our learning. We have also been learning about number bonds to ten. The children should now be able to recite their number bonds to ten in order. 

In science we completed an investigation looking at which materials float and which materials sink. We learnt the word 'prediction' and had a go at making our own predictions based on our knowledge of materials (from previous lessons).

The children had another great Forest School where they began with a game of hide and seek and then moved on to building habitats, both inside and outside of the classroom.

Don't forget:

We have our wheeled wonder exhibition of learning on Wednesday from 2.30pm. Everyone is welcome to come along and join us for this session.

Wednesday 31st January at 9am - Mastering Number: Parent and Child session

This session is a great way to find out how maths is taught in Y1 alongside your child. The session begins in the hall with Mrs March (10 mins) and then your child will join you for the rest of the session (35 mins), where you can learn and play maths together. 

We look forward to seeing you all on Monday.

The Year One Team 

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